View Full Version : Just waiting to hear from WY

07-01-2005, 10:48 AM
Hopefully, by this time next week I'll know if we were drawn for Mule Deer and Antelope in WY. :cool:

07-08-2005, 02:22 PM
Have any luck grayghost? Results were released yesterday the 7th. Everybody and their dog were trying to get into the website though and it took all day to get my results. Got bull elk, deer, antelope and cow/calf elk tags in all of my first choice areas. Should be a great year. Good luck to you.

07-13-2005, 11:18 AM
Thanks krs; we did indeed get our first choice on Deer and Antelope. I also received two Antelope Doe tags. Antelope are one of my favorite big game animals and personally, I rate their meat as top shelf. Only down side is; region T is within the CWD area. If I take a buck I will certainly have it tested for CWD. Scary to think about it. Glad to hear you did well in the draw. Looks like you'll have a full season ahead of you. I'll only be staying for 8 days but I hope it's a good season. Good hunting, grayghost

rem 700
07-25-2005, 08:23 PM
A friend of mine drew an elk tag. I wonder what that'd be like.

08-12-2005, 01:51 PM
I don't know rem 700. I've had Elk many times but never thought about cooking the tag. Prolly tough as an old bull. :D Kidding aside, I've never applied for Elk in WY; just ID, MT & CO. Getting a tag can be easy, though pricey anymore. It's getting the Elk that always becomes the hard part. If you don't have friends or relatives in the area you wish to hunt, I would highly recommend hiring a guide. You'll gain their insight and increase your odds immensely. Good hunting this year, grayghost