View Full Version : Greetings from Helena MT

07-06-2005, 12:25 AM
Well we have been here for 2 days now and man what a great place to be. The fourth of July fireworks stretched from one end of the east side of town to the other (north to south) probably 5 or more miles across.

Went to see the property and it was awesome I have picture but probably won't post many until I return.

There are old logging roads all throught the property as well as Elk signs, wild flowers, berry bushes, and much more yet to be seen. We drove through the property woth the real estate lady on the logging roads an d stopped 20 times and got out to look around.

For whoever asked, and I didn't know before the property is on the west side of Helena about 15 miles outside the city limits and about 7-8 miles off the paved roads. nearest house with electricity right now is about a mile away.

I am going back to the property to walk it probably Thursday and will take a lot of pictures. Mabey I'll see some elk or deer.

Well It's 10:30 here and the wife and Son are in bed, we are going to a hot spring tomorrow that you can swim and soak in.

Talk to you guys and gals later.

I'll leave you with this picture of the Gates Of The Mountains. Taken from a boat tour on the Missouri River.


07-08-2005, 12:32 PM

