View Full Version : need help finding a part for 40x
07-10-2005, 08:10 PM
i have a remington 40x that has taken up residence at my house but the fella that sold it to me - for whatever reason- used his pocket knife to show me that the small button/lever that you push to slide the bolt out sticks sometimes - well this time it didnt stick but he OMG broke it off right in front of my own eyes - my new baby and he broke it just like that - havent even paid him for it yet and well enough of that - i need to find this part - its the small button in the trigger gaurd that you push to allow the bolt to slide out - man is it smooth lol - anyhow i can get the bolt out without it but its got to be replaced - is it hard to replace this and should i take it to a gunsmith or is it something that i can just take the trigger assembly out and slide off and put the new one back in or much worse - i have found it kind of hard to find a parts place that has 40x listed for parts - any help appreciated - and oh yea i shot it 5 times at 100 yrds and yes its a keeper - he left without the gun :D
I'm reasonably certain that the part is a 700 part. A Rem 700 bolt stop should be easy to find.
07-11-2005, 05:40 PM
jack i appreciate the help but when i go to and click on the 40x some of the parts say i have to have ffl and the rest of them say not in stock - this is really the only online site i have ever used - do you know of any other sites that are a little more user friendly - bolt stop is the name of the part i guess and this remington says 40x on the side and nothing else - its in 22-250 caliber and its the kind that only takes one at a time - no magazine - thanks for the help
Scooter, go back to the e-gunparts site and search under Rem 700, not 40X. The part you want is a bolt stop.
So, search for a Rem 700 bolt stop.
You don't need an FFL for a bolt stop- you can order it and they'll ship it directly to you.
Check this out- found under the Rem 700 parts list:
a 40XB bolt stop, no FFL needed, $4.50.
07-12-2005, 08:23 PM
jack i appreciate the link with the right part -- but guess what my luck its sold out so - this is my new baby and i cant sleep at night knowing this piece is broke even though i know i can still slide the bolt out just by positioning my finger right on the broke piece and push up - works ok - let me tell ya what i did - i got a fairly new adl 700 in the 204 ruger cal and it wont shoot worth a cuss so i took the one from it just to see if it matched up hehehehe perfectly matched looks fits exactly the same - i slid the pin out and put the good one on the 40x and put the broken one on the 204 and i sleep good tonight - not all solved though - i got a 222 barrel coming for the 204 so i still need the part and just in case the bolt stop from the piece of crap 204 jinxes my 40x then i will have to replace it with the new one lol - just kidding but i do want to fix the 204 thats gonna be a 222 rem soon i hope so if you happen to run across this part somewhere in stock will ya keep me in mind and yes a 700 will work in the 40x - thanks scoot
Skinny Shooter
07-13-2005, 08:00 AM
Brownells has them:
07-13-2005, 07:16 PM
yea i appreciate the link but they are out of stock as well - i actually ordered one so when it comes in they will let me know - wonder how long it takes to refill the empty supply - this must be a popular part cause nobody has it seems thanks scoot
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