View Full Version : ok so i might have to sell a few

07-11-2005, 10:57 PM
pretty much decided that i dont need to ad to my rifle collection, but i could sure thin it out some.

just a few days ago saterday, i made it to boise, to cliffs gun store. what i found was a case full of cooper rifles. hmmm

i also found that what they call the montana varmiter is one good feeling rifle. think it weight 8lbs. just about ideal. they are single shot bolt actions. and come with some of the finest wood if seen. the rifles also come with test group. and a 1/2" garuntee and t 100.

no one in theyre right mind would garuntee something like that unless the rifles could shoot better. the group that i saw sure looked like it could shoot better.

pictures speak better than i

check it out



07-11-2005, 11:14 PM
Hey Evan, does Cliff's have a gunsmith? I won't go to Mountain Sports (the pawn shop on Airbase Road) anymore and I need a gunsmith for my 30-30. If you have any other ideas for gunsmiths I could use those as well. Thanks, brother.

07-13-2005, 12:16 AM
whats the problem with mtn sports. sam doesnt know all doesnt claim to but doesn know alot in certain areas. and hell tell you that.

chances are nothing happend other than they cam across wrong in how they treat customers. ive seen this happend before and its kinda a shame.

ive grown up here, know them all inside and outside the shop and like them all. but that kinda means im biased.

by the looks of things it didnt realy seam like cliffs had smith or smith shop. and off hand i wouldnt care to recomend shapels in the least bit, been in there a few times and now steer as clear as possible.

what are you wantn worked on, bout the only smiths id recomend are hobby smiths that work on theyre own stuff and help freinds out. ive got good freind that slicks up wheel guns like no other. i mention wheel guns only because im guessing at what your doing. ;)

07-13-2005, 12:33 AM
I got a Marlin 30-30 I need to get looked at-I think the firing pin is busted. I took my SBH .44Mag into Mtn Sports last year and the smith-I don't remember his name-had lost my card and held onto to my pistol until I got tired of waiting and called him. If he had at least apologized it wouldn't have been that big a deal. I understand that, sometimes, doo-doo happens, but he didn't apologize or even admit that he'd made a mistake; he just took my $$$ and sent me on my way. I don't care how good the price it, I'd rather drive a few miles and maybe pay a little more for good service.

Cal Sibley
07-14-2005, 06:11 PM
Hello Evan,

I agree. Cooper does make some beautiful rifles. One item you might want to check out concerns the group size. I can't say this for certain but I've read on two different forums that Coopers groups are not fired at 100yds., but about half that distance. That would make quite a difference, although in all honestly I've never heard anyone complaining about their accuracy. Maybe someone else can enlighten us on this. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

07-16-2005, 12:24 AM