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07-11-2005, 11:46 PM
what grain bullet would be best for elk in the .300 win mag?

Rocky Raab
07-12-2005, 08:17 AM
If it were my gun, I'd be looking at a premium or near-premium bullet in the 180-200 grain area.

Premium bullets are almost required in mega-magnums, but the 300 Winnie is a bit less critical, so a semi-premium like an interlock or hot-core bullet should be fine. If there's a chance at a spitting distance shot, though, I'd lean toward a genuine premium bullet to avoid blowup at short range/high velocity.

Your reloads are the cheapest part of the hunt, so don't scrimp on bullet quality. The whole hunt can depend on just one of them.

L. Cooper
07-12-2005, 09:31 AM
Take a long hard look at the ballistics of the 200 grain bullets in the .300 Win.

I think a 200 grain Nosler Partition probably provides as much killing power at both short and long range as you can get from the cartridge. Mine shoots them well, so I have stopped experimenting.

There will be some other bullets that work as well, so find a premium 200 grain bullet that shoots well in your rilfe and then use it with complete confidence on anything in North America.

I use premium bullets because at close range you don't want it to fragment, and at long range you want reliable expansion. Both characteristics in one bullet do not come cheaply. As Rocky says, though, the cost of a bullet is very small insurance compared to the cost of a hunt.

07-13-2005, 01:56 PM
Well, I've been loading either the 180 gr. Nosler Partition or the 200 gr. Speer Hot-Core for my .300 Win. Mag. rifles. I want to try the 200 gr. Nosler Partitions as soon as I can find some. Seems like every time I hit the gun shows or gun shops, they're out of them.
I will say this about the 200 gr. Speer, if it's a long range shot, it will work just fine. I'm not so sure about it's holding together at ranges of 100 yards or less. My pet load pushes that bullet at 2950 FPS from a 26" barreled rifle with a now long discontinued powder. fortunately, I have a lifetime supply.
Paul B.

07-18-2005, 08:25 AM
If I were to load a 300 Win for elk, I'd load something like a 150 gr. TSX.

I've shot 140gr. X's through elk with my 7mag. Diagonally. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot for the shoulder with a 150 X from a 300, even at close range. JMO, Dutch.