View Full Version : No more going to the checkin station in Maryland

07-12-2005, 11:32 AM
All deer and turkey Check-Ins will be done over the phone or via the internet.

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am


07-12-2005, 01:25 PM
Good for you. Now if PA could get off their arse and out from under the rock.

07-12-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Swift
Good for you. Now if PA could get off their arse and out from under the rock.

I thought PA. already had call-in deer checking? must have been somewhere else..... NewYork Maybe?

07-12-2005, 10:48 PM
...Missouri announced just a few days ago, that check stations are now a thing of the past.

This past Spring Turkey Season, we could use Tele-Chek, or go to a check station. Now, it's only Tele-Chek, or on the Internet.

They stated that a Conservation Agent had to spend approximately 40 hours per week during Deer or Turkey Season checking on the check stations. This new method of checking game will enable the agent to spend more time in the field, and following up on complaints.

It will reduce the "Bragging Rights" exposure for a lot of people, who have killed a nice buck or gobbler.

But, then again, if you killed a button buck or a jake, you won't have to endure the looks of pity, or hear the snickers of the ones who killed a bigger trophy than yours.:D :D :D

07-13-2005, 01:36 AM
I have mixed feelings about this. It would definitely be easier to check in a deer or turkey, but this is an open invitation for those who don't always abide by the regulations to do so with greater ease. Maybe I'm way off here, maybe not.:rolleyes:


07-13-2005, 08:38 AM
I see checkin stations as probly the best way to keep track of deer herds and kills, and also keep "certain" hunters in "Check".
Pardon the pund.

I think this is one bad idea due to those facts will be harnful in the long run.
I would say that most (if not all of us) are honest and ethicial hunters, but i am sorry to say that there are alot of others out there who are not.
And that is where the "check Stations" are a really good thing.

I am totally behind DNR and DEC in having these stations in place,.and mostly the reason why states decide to close these "Stations" is because they dont want to pay their officers extra to check on these stations and so on.

I would rather on opening day or week ,to visit these stations and see what is being taken and hear the stories of how those lucky and hard working hunters got that prize rack or that big doe,
That`s just me,...and I feel it is more smarter to have these stations in place for the simple fact that it helps keep better "INVENTORY" of what is being taken and so on.and also these stations help deter those who think of "poaching".

And to answer someones post earlier, NY is also one state that has what I call the "Honor check in Line".

It would be honorable,...if there wasn`t so many "Dis-Honorables" around.

Later ALL

07-13-2005, 10:19 AM
OK first off I have to say that I really enjoyed going to the checkin station at lunchtime and seeing what people bagged also but How in the heck can anyone say this is going to make it easier for someone to NOT check in a deer. In Maryland at least you still get a confirmation # and have to fill out a big game tag, the only difference is that instead of having to drag the deer up the road 10 mile to a checkin station you can take it straight home, hang it up and call a phone number to check it in.

I think people will be way MORE likely to check in a deer or turkey if they do not have to haul it up the road.

Just one "for instance" I shoot a deer right at sunset on a saturday evening. I have to take that deer home, hang it for the night and then take it back down and take it to the checking station check it in and then take it back home and re-hang it Sunday.

With the new checkin by phone/internet, I hang it up and call it in or go online, check it in and leave it hung in the barn. Much easier IMHO.

07-13-2005, 03:38 PM
That is you and me,...not the other Million or so hunters,.....
Let`s look at it this way,....
In 2005 you probly filled your tag,...in 2006 you no longer "Haul" your deer ot turkey to a "Check Station", instead you take it home and hang it,...and call from home to let the DEC or DNR know you made a harvest,....LEGALLY.

But let`s say that there is 350,000 more hunters who do that as well,....but there`s let`s say 50,000 more who dont?!
Now in 2007 you arent seeing the deer activity you seen the past 2 years,...and then 2008 comes up and now deer are rarely even seen,....Now do u get what I am talking about?
NY has that problem,.....over hunting cause there are those who don`t hunt legally or ethicially.And now they dont have to "Haul" there harvest to a "Check Station", instead they can "Haul" it home and not make the call.

And before it is even said,...not everyone is into mounting their heads,..you can purchase a antler mounting kit for alot less then having a textadermist do the mounting and having a number to show that it was a legal kill.

This is why I oppose such methods ,they are unethicial, and very bias as to the hunter who feels that now he can hunt all he wants until ,.whenever!

I mean while the DEC and or the DNR are at it , why not just allow everyone to hunt whenever,wherever, for however long they want?!

There has to be guide lines, and rules,..if the guide lines are not in place,..then rules are just words and nothing more.
As I have said before not everyone is an unethical or should I say poacher,..but why make it easier for those that are?!!

I can only say this,...in closing,...I hope that the "Honor System" works in Maryland,..and or anyother state considering that option,...but I can tell you all this,..NY is paying for it big time,..I am talking about NY hunters,...and yes the deer herd itself.

If you don`t believe ,.talk to some public land hunters,not lease land hunters,....but then again ask them if the deer herd in NY is shrinking,...I think you`ll change your views,..and in a year or 2 ,..you will be made to change your views due to the simple fact that you won`t enjoy hunting as much if you don`t have anything to hunt.

Later ALL

07-13-2005, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by DaMadman
I thought PA. already had call-in deer checking? must have been somewhere else..... NewYork Maybe?

Ain't PA

07-13-2005, 08:33 PM
Wolvie, it's all the honor system, either ya report by whatever system is in place or ya don't.

07-14-2005, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Wolvie
That is you and me,...not the other Million or so hunters,.....
Let`s look at it this way,....
In 2005 you probly filled your tag,...in 2006 you no longer "Haul" your deer ot turkey to a "Check Station", instead you take it home and hang it,...and call from home to let the DEC or DNR know you made a harvest,....LEGALLY.

But let`s say that there is 350,000 more hunters who do that as well,....but there`s let`s say 50,000 more who dont?!
Now in 2007 you arent seeing the deer activity you seen the past 2 years,...and then 2008 comes up and now deer are rarely even seen,....Now do u get what I am talking about?
NY has that problem,.....over hunting cause there are those who don`t hunt legally or ethicially.And now they dont have to "Haul" there harvest to a "Check Station", instead they can "Haul" it home and not make the call.

And before it is even said,...not everyone is into mounting their heads,..you can purchase a antler mounting kit for alot less then having a textadermist do the mounting and having a number to show that it was a legal kill.

This is why I oppose such methods ,they are unethicial, and very bias as to the hunter who feels that now he can hunt all he wants until ,.whenever!

I mean while the DEC and or the DNR are at it , why not just allow everyone to hunt whenever,wherever, for however long they want?!

There has to be guide lines, and rules,..if the guide lines are not in place,..then rules are just words and nothing more.
As I have said before not everyone is an unethical or should I say poacher,..but why make it easier for those that are?!!

I can only say this,...in closing,...I hope that the "Honor System" works in Maryland,..and or anyother state considering that option,...but I can tell you all this,..NY is paying for it big time,..I am talking about NY hunters,...and yes the deer herd itself.

If you don`t believe ,.talk to some public land hunters,not lease land hunters,....but then again ask them if the deer herd in NY is shrinking,...I think you`ll change your views,..and in a year or 2 ,..you will be made to change your views due to the simple fact that you won`t enjoy hunting as much if you don`t have anything to hunt.

Later ALL

you are not making any sense?? why is it easier for someone to break the law with the new system. If ANYONE shoots a deer it is still the honor system as to whether or not they check it in. Whether someone has to go to a checking station or phone it in and get a confirmation # doesn't make a difference it is still on the honor system. If someone don't want to do it they are not going to check it in, and if you get caught with an unchecked deer the penalty is still the same. I think that would be a more likely deterrant. make the penalty for not checking it in a stiffer fine or lose your hunting priveleges for a longer period or something to that affect.

If someone shoots a deer I can almost say for certain that the person is going to be MORE likely to check it in the less hassle it is to do so.

In Maryland I am allowed to shoot 12 deer with the shotgun 10 antlerless and 2 antlered (not that I would shoot that many) but do you think me or anyone else is going to want to run to the checkin station for everyone of those deer or do you think I would be more likely to call it in and get my confirmation #?

Really with the amount of overpopulation of the deer heard in Maryland I don't think the DNR really cares one way or the other as long as the hunters are shooting the deer and helping to get the population back to a reasonable level. But I do know with being able to shoot that many LEGALLY and with the new call in program to check a deer in, I know a "a few" people that probably would not have bother to check the deer in at a checkin station but they are more than happy to pick up the phone and call it in or logon to the net and fill out a form.

It's just like 10-15 years ago when Maryland had a one (1) deer limit a LOT of people didn't check in the deer they shot because they would take the whole week of deer season off from work and if they shot a deer the first day or two, then their hunting was over. once they put a multi deer bag limit into affect those people started checking in their deer because they didn't have to quit hunting after they checked in the first one, and most of them only killed one deer a year anyway.

Idunno I personally just can't see a down side to making it EASIR to check a deer in. between hauling a 140 pound deer in and out of my truck at the checkin station or taking it home and hanging it 1 time, making a phoen call or logging onto the internet to fill out a form. I know which I prefer to do and I know which one would make more more likely to check the deer in, and it isn't hauling the deer to a checkin station

07-14-2005, 07:17 PM
I have seen and heard certain people here in this state (NY) , who have killed a deer and or turkey and didnt call to report it.

Now just to let ya know, I did report them, and gave all the info I had to the DEC,...but I see they are still hunting, and hunting illegally.
Of course now they arent so forth coming about their bragging of be A - HOLES and killin everything in sight.

I know it is much easier to call or get online,...but as I said these are my views and I dont see it being of any benefit to hunters or DECs Or DNRs, to have the right numbers of what has been harvested,....Ny has that problem now,...EXAMPLE: Last year (about this time), The NYDEC had stated that the 2004/2005 season was going to produce record deer kills,..and that there was 100 deer per square mile.
When it came to the Nitty Gritty,..and the truth came out,..alot of hunters where highly ticked off that the deer numbers were so low and that at the end of the season there wasnt a record deer kill instead there was a record number of complaints and upset hunters.
Alot of tags were not filled and I feel that was partly due to the poor recordings of deer being reported killed and alot that werent reported taken.
The honor system doesnt work here, and I dont see it working in any state.
I do however wish any state that adopts that system all the best.But remember in a few years or so or even less,..Wolvie told ya so.

Again I would like to remind everyone that I believe in seeing is believing,...
I know I dont make any sense,....but then again we`re not dealing with sense here,....since we arent,...deer numbers will fall,...hunters will become more upset,..and tags will not be filled in the coming years,...then again all I can say ,...I told ya so.

Later ALL

07-15-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Wolvie
I have seen and heard certain people here in this state (NY) , who have killed a deer and or turkey and didnt call to report it.

Now just to let ya know, I did report them, and gave all the info I had to the DEC,...but I see they are still hunting, and hunting illegally.
Of course now they arent so forth coming about their bragging of be A - HOLES and killin everything in sight.

I know it is much easier to call or get online,...but as I said these are my views and I dont see it being of any benefit to hunters or DECs Or DNRs, to have the right numbers of what has been harvested,....Ny has that problem now,...EXAMPLE: Last year (about this time), The NYDEC had stated that the 2004/2005 season was going to produce record deer kills,..and that there was 100 deer per square mile.
When it came to the Nitty Gritty,..and the truth came out,..alot of hunters where highly ticked off that the deer numbers were so low and that at the end of the season there wasnt a record deer kill instead there was a record number of complaints and upset hunters.
Alot of tags were not filled and I feel that was partly due to the poor recordings of deer being reported killed and alot that werent reported taken.
The honor system doesnt work here, and I dont see it working in any state.
I do however wish any state that adopts that system all the best.But remember in a few years or so or even less,..Wolvie told ya so.

Again I would like to remind everyone that I believe in seeing is believing,...
I know I dont make any sense,....but then again we`re not dealing with sense here,....since we arent,...deer numbers will fall,...hunters will become more upset,..and tags will not be filled in the coming years,...then again all I can say ,...I told ya so.

Later ALL

OK last thing I am going to say on this then I am going to totally drop it and not bring it back up.

You are saying the HONOR SYSTEM doen't work where you are. OK, I'll give you that... Taking a deer to the checkin station is "THE HONOR SYSTEM" If a person is the type person that isn't going to call in and report a deer or turkey they killed then guess what...... They sure as heck ain't going to drive there sorry butt to the checkin station and check the deer in that way.

I will totally agree with you when you say that there are a LOT of deer killed that do NOT get checked in, but those people are NOT going to check them in no matter what system is in place. So why would you punish all the other good people that DO want to check their deer in and be legal?

Unfortunatly there is NO way to FORCE someone that kills a deer to check it in, whether they check it in over the phone or at a station. Unless of course you hire a few thousand DNR police to scour the woods for hunters with dead deer and check them in on the spot.

this concludes my opinion and posting on this subject Thank You

07-17-2005, 12:03 PM
DaMadman,...I am sure where you are at ,..there are plenty of deer and deer loving and God fearin men and women,...

But lets get into a world I would like to call REALITY,......

Calling isnt nowhere near to anything like a checking station,...so to say who or who wouldnt go is totally a single persons thoughts,.....I would rather go to a checking station and I would rather have everyone and anyone that kills a deer or turkey or other big game animal also go to the checking stations.

Checking stations are not placed far enough out of the way ,.... in fact most mom & pops shops do the "Checking" in of the harvested animals.
Now this may not be the fact in your area or state,...(Maryland right?), and if that is the case,..Maryland lolol,...ok ,...if you were to blink you would be in and out of the state in about that time or a little more.
So Maryland probly could fit what?,.......? 4 Checking Stations,...and it would take what 10 minutes to get to one ?!
I just dont see how any state can allow to let the deer and other animal (big game), populations dwindle,...and not be able to have some type "recording" that is more sound,....and the phone in and the online thing aint it.!!!

But it looks like your done posting on this,....but I dont see the Phone in or online HONOR SYSTEM working in ANY State for any reason,....Its the stupidist thing I`ve ever heard of,...well not the stupidist,..but it ranks purty high on the stupid meter!

Hey why the states are at it,..let have a call in system to buy groceries and hell lets put one in place for banking,.....I am sure theres HONOR in most and we wont go under and become a poor country in lets say what? ,.......a day or 2.
Its ok to have a dream Bro,....but so far I see NIGHTMARES ,......
This is yours and my personal interest, and what we would like to see,...so that is only 2 of us,......I`d like to see what about 1,000,000 other hunters have to say,...and think.

Later ALL

Aye Bro ,...I wasnt being mean,....just venting,....gotta love ya bro,....Later

07-18-2005, 07:50 PM
I didn't read all the posts, but I agree with DaMadman about making it easier for people to check deer. I know people that do not check deer because it is out of the way for them. Heck, it is out of the way for me too because there aren't a ton of checkin stations where I hunt. I would love to check my deer in by internet or phone.

I check all my waterfowl bands in on the internet instread of calling the number and waiting on hold. It is much quicker and easier for me that way. I would probably still do it by phone if that was the only way possible, but I wouldn't like it as much.

As far as requiring the checking of deer at checkin stations, there are a million ways around it. People cut the deer up and put it in a cooler, etc just to avoid having to drive the additional 30 minutes.

Maryland has so many deer and we are allowed to kill a ton, that it really shouldn't matter whether we check them in at home or on the road.

07-18-2005, 08:04 PM
In a small state like Maryland,...it might be ok for the phone or internet,checking in of deer and turkey,..but a state like NY or big state like that,..needs more,...maybe provide checking stations and the phone and internet would cover all the bases.
As for people finding another way around checking in their harvested animal,...Those are the jerks I am refering to,..and I fear there will be even more of them if more states adopt the what I call the "Honor System Check In Line".

The NYDEC`s deer herd numbers and forcast for a record year this past hunting season was WAY off,...and alot of hunters were displeased to say the least.

I had stated in a post in the N.E. area of this site (My prediction),..that the NYDEC was basically crazy and not too bright,.and felt that we as hunters and tax payers werent too bright until they recieved alot of mail and email complaining about the low deer numbers and then the proof came when the deer harvest numbers came in.

We need to do more to record what is being taken and also what is being seen while we are all hunting.
If the states cant afford to have enough people in the woods basically counting deer and such,.... then why not ask us (Hunters) to do some of the counting in our areas where we hunt.

Calling in to check in your deer ,..to me just isnt good "Deer Management"!!!

Later All

07-18-2005, 08:19 PM
I guess it is just what your used to Wolvie. Here, in Michigan, there are no requirements to check in deer. You can go and check them in if you want, and get a successful hunter patch. Most don't. I guess I don't know where they get there "kill stats" from, now that I think about it.:confused:
But to say that some are lazy or jerks because of checking in over the net or phone, I disagree with. I would gladly check mine in that way, if it gave the DNR better stats. Seems everyone's time is at a premium today, I know mine is. I don't get into the woods near as much as I did 8 yrs ago. To me, anything that gives more accurate results are better, and usually the easiest way gets the most results.

07-18-2005, 08:31 PM
I wasnt calling people who callin and check in their deer kills jerks,...I was calling,....the ones who dont or havent checked in their deer just because they think they can get away with it.
I typical hunter,...will call in,.....but as I said from the beginning,...there are those that wont,...and havent,...and now are able to kill all they want without any worries.
Not that they had any in the first place.

I can see I wont win this discussion,.....but as I said,..mark my words this isnt the answer,..and it wont be the avenue that everyone thinks so highly of.

Later All

07-19-2005, 10:51 AM

There are ways to make the system work. For instance, why does the banding system work for waterfowl when people have to call in the bands and are not required to do so? One reason is because a certain percentage of the birds banded are banded with a $100 reward band. The USFWS figures that the reporting of the $100 bands will be close to 100%. Then, they can figure out that the same percentage of the other banded birds will also be shot and they can figure out what percentage are being reported and what percentage aren't.

To be honest with you, hauling deer to the checking station has been a chore for me, but one that I have done because I don't want to get in trouble for not doing so (i.e., I don't want to get disbarred over something like this). However, I would rather spend the additional hour doing something more productive and sitting down at the computer later that night and reporting the deer in less than 5 minutes.

While the current method might not work for the older generation (i.e., my father and uncle who do not own a computer), I think it us a good step in the right direction for future generations and the older generation can ask the younger generation to report the deer for them if they are not able to.

I like to think that hunters out there are concerned for the environment and the resource. Granted, some aren't, but I still like to think the majority are.

07-20-2005, 06:01 AM
I can only hope that the Majority of hunters ,..which should be EVERY SINGLE HUNTER ,...will call in their harvested buck,doe,yearling even,...and tom and jake,& hen.

It would be a perfect world if it were to happen that way,...but my past has taught me that HUMAN beings think after the onslaught they have created,..and by that time it is too late.Damage is done and to fix it will and would take years to fix.

Calling In ok,...but let`s see some safe guards , or incentives for people to do it.

As I have said I wish everyone luck and hope this doesnt come to bite Maryland Hunters in the Arse and anyother state that has this system or is considering it.

But if nothing else Brothers and Sisters,..PLEASE hear me when I say this ,....


Later All

07-21-2005, 01:57 AM
I have spoken directly to the pa game comm on this subject and most of it boils down to added costs...which is not wanted...Pa as of now has no internet check in...is in the making though....so if someone can't take the provided card that is post free and drop it in a box...are they going to take the time to get online and report it?...not...even if it is made mand...mail in a card, when they ask about it the reply is...I mailed it but must have gotten lost in snail mail...so they invest in internet check in.....now I can name 11 people right now that does not own a puter nor do they do what I bitc/ at them for not doing ,,,,the mail in....I can't get in their heads this is how the game comm gets information..THE PGC KEEPs CLOSE TABS ON THE BUTCHER SHOPS....THEY GET LOTS OF INFORMATION FROM THE TAGS THERE......so..now the solution...works every time ..and I see no added costs anywhere..they already give you the paper to mail in...so lets make it a REPORT SUCCESS OR NON SUCCESS card....no reply to success or not and not get a license next year....make it a fine for buying a license not having reported success or non from last year....can even get a printable reciept if done online..we have to do this in the migratory bird license...doves?..so they can get somene to do online for them and get the reciept to prove next license year they reported success or not from last year...before able to buy a license....show this along with the required ID we show now...these 11 I spoke of butcher their own deer too...so their info does not show up in the butcher shops...NOW they are some of the ones grumping about the loss of numbers of deer in the woods....they say the game comm issues too many tags...well daaaaa.....they game comm isn't the ones out there filling the 5 tags you can get....these kind of people are hogs...I know of one that fills at least 3/4 tags a year and hunts somene to take the meat....doesn't even eat the stuff....but grumps about the numbers in the woods...he also is one that hunts my groundhogs in march and april..I introduced him to the farm...killing the mom that in turn kills how many little targets still in the hole?....by the way he also is a pa hunter safety instructor...pttttht...one of the biggest slob hunters I know but and educated one so gets the papers to do things....
.....I just wanted to say I envy all you youngens....just driving in the 80's etc...still puppies in this world.....maybe you can get this world in order so us old dogs can enjoy sitting on the porch...or in the fields/woods......thinking what all we been through while you were stiill a twinkle in dads eyes......good luck...go get em...

I dislike ball jockies too..

07-21-2005, 04:56 PM
That`s an idea,...
If ya get one or not,..it has to be reported,...hmmmmmmm

Let`s start working on the legislation,.. and get it into law before next season,,...
I am serious,...that does sound good Skeeter,
how about the rest of ya?

It doesnt dicriminate against anyone,...
it dectates to and for all to do the same,...and if ya dont u aint buying and particapating in the next season.

Man !!! I am just as giidy as a kid with a new Shotgun,!!!!

Later All
SAFE HUNTIN~ and dont forget to report,...or u wont get the chance next year,....

I`ll work on the slogon,...lol:D

07-22-2005, 01:18 AM
What is sad is that the system has already been put in place for migratory bird hunting and has been there for about 10 years I think. Difference is that migratory birds are federally regulated, deer aren't.

I think the mandatory disclosure would be a great idea at the beginning of the year for the previous year. Of course, if additional tags need to be paid for and people don't buy the tags I doubt they would report the deer. Then again, I doubt they would be checking the deer in at a station if they didn't want to buy the additional tag. Then again, those would be the bad guys.

07-23-2005, 06:45 AM
In Virginia, that call-in/internet check thing just started last year. On only deer tho, bear (and I'm perty sure turkey) you still have to check-in at the store.
Did it make it easier fer me? Good Lord..last year we fergot twice. Wound up callin it in 5 hours later. By the time we got the deer hung, got al the dogs out the truck, got all the gear in the house etc. etc...I had plum fergot. Why? probaly cause I've spent a lifetime of checkin in deer before I got home at the store I reckon.

I agree w/ Wolvie on one thing..it will cause many a deer to go unaccounted fer. I really enjoyed lookin at last year's stats and wonderin how the deer herd is...and while it aint but so accurate..it's alot more accurate than places like MI er wherever.
I think it will be sorely abused here. The stats fer last year aint come out yet I dont think, but t will interestin to see. This year will be a banner year fer whitetails in VA...I've been seein HUGE amounts of deer all over the place. And bucks everywheres! I'm gittin excited...
I will miss goin to the store at lunch and seein all the deer..thankfully, VA is fulla hard-headed hunters like myself who still went to the check stations last yr despite the new law..and the big ole deer was everywhere, just as its always been

07-23-2005, 07:37 AM
OK..so here is what we do..call your State office of Game Comm...and your local legislatures because they are the ones that can enact the laws.....when the subject comes up of added cost to the commission, THERE IS NONE because it will only take who ever gets paid now to take care of the puter work to post a link on their website. On the link, you can print a reciept with that year license number, name, address and what you reported.
This reciept will be taken to your local license bureau when getting the new one... It could even be made to tuck into you new license kind a like you do now with the other form of ID like the photo copy of your up to date driver license... I do this because I don't take my wallet with me in the woods...oh such a hard thing it is to find the one ya lost...I use to use my old driver license but guess they say since it is outdated isn't good..even though it contains all the other info......Now I do hate adding new rules to the games we now play in life but if it is what it takes to help our sport and deer control...so be it....better than those antis and insurance companies making the rules for us.

Born to be outdoors...thanks Dad
I dislike ball jockies

07-23-2005, 04:55 PM
Why not do it the way Maryland takes care of the HIP permit. The person selling you your license asks if you did any deer hunting last year and notes the answer on your license. If the answer is the affirmative, then they ask how many bucks and how many points, and how many does. The responses get recorded into the state system and it is noted on the hunter's license that he did complete the check in procedure.

Hell, you can have both systems in place (i.e., one to report deer kills throughout the season and another to report them when you get your license), and make it mandatory to do both. Once a computerized system is put in place, it makes collecting information a heck of a lot easier.

07-23-2005, 10:00 PM
...you can have both systems in place (i.e., one to report deer kills throughout the season and another to report them when you get your license), and make it mandatory to do both


Wouldn't that lead to either a lot of work to match up the check station info from the prior year with the information gathered with the current year license? Seems to me you would have to do that or you would end up double-counting parts of the deer harvest.


07-23-2005, 10:43 PM

I was assuming that computers would be able to match up the ones reported easily by using the hunter safety numbers on both licenses which would be present on the prior year's license and the current year's license. That might be able to give a better account.

Of course, I didn't stop to think that other states might not have a mandatory hunter's safety course for all those people that did not hunt on private property before 1975. Then again, the hunter safety number wouldn't be any good for those people that can sign the waiver.

Come to think of it, Maryland uses a person's driver's license number on the hunting license too. However, I guess there are people out there that do not have a driver's license. I know ID cards come in the same manner as a driver's license, but I'm not sure if a state ID is required to get a hunting license.

I guess we would need a think tank to figure this all out.

07-24-2005, 07:00 AM

mathcing just seems like its fraught with opportunities for error. If an ID # has a transposition error or other keypunch error, then you'll have aproblem. If somebody mis-remembers (or whatever) when they get their license then next year, the results won;t match up either.

The phone-in or internet check in system should work pretty good. At least as good as the current system of driving to a manned check in station during its open hours and within a certain time limit afte the deer is taken.

All the crying about how it'll make it easier to not report is jsut misplaced BS. I'm sur ethere's already a bunch of deer that aren;t taken to check-in stations around the country. There's a lot of folk who won't bother to drive a half-hour to hour each way, especially if they take the deer on their home property and butcher it themselves.

Anyway, its just progress.


07-24-2005, 08:54 AM
No matter how you register your deer kills it has to be better than the Michigan DNR's way of getting an idea of what the deer kill is.

In Michigan the DNR does a guesssssstimate of what the deer kill is. I have never figured out how they do it but they sure come up with a bigger kill figure than what anyone can beleive.

Of course it is like there herd estimate. No way are there the numbers of deer that they say there are. Especially since they started the anialate the deer herd campaign. Unlimited doe permits.

This year they are finally cutting back on the doe permits in some of the northern part of the state.

There is a voluntary internet check in of turkeys on the internet. Bear, bobcat, otter and elk are the only game we have to check in.

07-24-2005, 08:56 AM
An Issue if it were to be DONE by everyone,....
And that is what this is basically all about,....making sure that the harvest numbers are as close as possible to what was taken,...so that the future seasons to come can kind of predict what to possibly expect for the next season.
Also with the right numbers DEC`s and DNR`s, etc. can set the bag limits and can have a better grasp on deer numbers,and what standards to set for the coming season.

Without the reporting of "Every" hunter it just makes it hard on the rest of us who do call in , internet in, or check in or harvested deer,bear,and or turkey.And also the less we see in the woods or fields.

Like last year here in NY,..DEC said there was 75 to 80 deer per square mile,...BS!!!! I said (on another earlier post), that they (NYDEC) was WAY off,..and they were,...WAY off, and hunters were upset over it,..now everybody is wanting better deer management,...and it aint goin to happen with the current "Checking In " method that NYDEC has in place.

I know I talk alot about Ohio,..and I know Ohio is not without their mishaps,..but they have good harvest numbers and alot of healthy deer,..and plentiful deer numbers.

And it doesnt only stop there,..allowing a longer Gun Season ,only reduces the sightings of deer ,due to them being spooked.
If NY had a shorter gun season and a longer bow/Crossbow season,..or allowed the Bow/Crossbow season to run the entire season from beginning to end and have only a 2 week gun season,....more deer would be seen and taken.For the plain and simple fact that deer wouldnt be spooked so earlier in the season meaning that deer sightings would be more plentiful in the later part of the season close to or slightly after the rut.

Sorry I got into another descussion,..but it all adds up.To poor management in the end if you dont have a solid or close to solid plan in place.

Later All

07-25-2005, 10:03 AM
Lets not forget now where the poor management comes into play.....even here in Pa. they do allow for error in the reports...is one reason they hang out at the butcher shops...and my local shop keeps records for archery, early black powder, buck season and doe seasons...and all the rest that come through the shop....true some do their own but is better than guessing the numbers out there...the poor management comes from the man with the gun.....you know..the one that won't partake in the process but first in line to grump......crack the whip on your buddies.....even that doesn't work....still the only way not to aquire more expense is have a report reciept when getting new license.....or not get one....same as proper ID....and Pa does require either prior hunting license, HSC proof or photo Id if no driver license....