View Full Version : Kayak fishing

07-21-2005, 10:07 PM
I was out on my kayak this past weekend and noticed that it didn't track very well when loaded up and in the wind and I was thinking of installing a rudder kit. I have a Wilderness Systems Pamlico 135T and REI has a rudder kit that will fit but I'm wondering if it will be worth the time, energy and money. Anyone use a rudder on their kayak? Will it help my kayak track better under those conditions? I'm sure it can't be all the difficult but I don't know if I want to spend that kind of money if unless it will help. Thanks.

07-25-2005, 11:34 AM
Ironic, Tater. This past week I have been researching the bajeesuz out of Kayak Fishing. I have some of the best Rock and Halibut fishing not 15 minutes from my front door. My buddy and I have spent 1 weekend day on the water in the
Offshore Boat nailing big rock fish for just about the entire summer and now I want to get in close for the halibut as well as some excercise.

Even though I live in a virtual kayak "mecca", Wilderness Systems doesn't have a dealer network that I am able to find out near me. I would like to try a Tarpon 140 but will probably buy a Prowler 13 or maybe a 15 by Ocean Kayak. We're going to a "Demo Day" on Saturday to try and maybe buy.

I'm not totally familiar with your 'yak but from what I've been reading, rudders will help in the manueverability of longer 'yaks and would likely help you with a shorter yak but tracking is inherent in the design of the hull. With these designated fishing models they seem to be designing stability and tracking into the hull where with the conventional yak's it has been one or the other. Those rudders are expensive too but it seems from what I have read that they really help the maneuvering of the big yaks (15'-17') more than anything.

Can't wait to get going with this. Already have my live bait well figured out and will have a compass, GPS, and fishfinder rigged for it as well. This sport is getting gobs of attention now!

07-25-2005, 06:05 PM
You're not going halibut fishin in a kayak are you?

07-25-2005, 06:41 PM
ABSOLUTELY!!! Have you seen the fish guys are catching from these boats? :eek: They tow you around the ocean before they finally get tuckered out and come up. Out here we don't have the Alaska sized 'butts but they can get in the 40+ pound range if you're lucky.

There's a guy out here who is the "guru" of kayak fishing and has made some videos. His last name is Spike. They take these 'yaks way out on the offshore boats and launch. They're hooking up with Marlin, Tuna, you name it, and going for long rides! It's amazing!

07-25-2005, 06:58 PM
Sounds nuts to me. Alaska's halibuts get into the 200# range.

07-25-2005, 07:58 PM
Check it out:




Andy L
07-26-2005, 07:11 AM
So, uh, Tim, your the bobber in other words....... :confused: :p

That does sound fun, as long as it dont kill ya.

I remember a fishing show on TV years ago, one of the hotrod tv fisherman of the day had the idea to use a belly boat on the snake river for sturgeon. He got hold of a big one and looked like a bobber all right. :D That 1000k sucker took him for a real ride.

I know they had to bleep more of that show than most of your outdoor shows. :D


07-26-2005, 08:32 PM
I think I'd feel more like the bait, and you know what happens to the bait. I think I'll stick with trout and bass.

07-27-2005, 09:45 PM
I bet you were solo in the kayak and i believe they are tandem boats for 2 people. Try to even out the weight and paddle entry and exit need to be even or tracking will suffer,

I would try again with a bit better weight distribution before looking to purchase as like the other responder sudgested the rubber systems are for longer kayaks.

The single person in a two person canoe was what drove me to the Bell single person canoe.

07-27-2005, 10:14 PM
The front seat in mine is adjustable so I can center my weight. The biggest problem I had with the tracking was in the wind which, I've heard, will be helped by a rudder. I'm just curious if a rudder will help enough to justify spending the money.

08-03-2005, 09:38 PM
Picked up my Yak today! I was ready to buy new then outfit it but I stumbled onto a deal on the Craigslist Classifieds in my locale. It was a steal and was like new and fully equipped for fishing. It has a decent 2400w Humminbird sonar, 2 Scotty's rod holders mounted on a cool custom stainless bracket, a paddle, a high back seat, a nice Ritchie Compass, and more extras like a Sea Anchor, transport wheels, leashes for paddles and fishing poles, etc. A STEAL!!!! I paid 1/3 of what it would have cost me going into it new so I'm really stoked!

Now I have to hit the shop for a wetsuit and some personal gear then it's off to chase the Halibut!