View Full Version : UPSTATE NY areas to hunt/fish/etc.

07-22-2005, 06:12 AM
If you are hunting in NY and you are after some great sized Turkeys,.....I have a spot for you.
In Saratoga County in Upstate NY ,.......I have found a place that is Public access,.....It`s called the Spier Falls / Moreau State park area.
The area is located on Spier Falls Rd. and all you do is go to the top of the mountain,...and there are 3 parking areas,...all have trails leading into the broken up sections of the area.
I have seen alot of different animals in this area.Including Turkey and Deer.
There are also signs of bear in this area as well.
I spotted up to 15 turkey in one group and 9 in another,All in one day.
You may want to scout this area out.

*HINT: There is one part that has Power lines,.....and that is an area that I saw alot of deer and TURKEY activity.

Please use caution in this area due to the fact that there have been bears sighted and signs of bear found in this area.
Also towards the bottom of the mountain is a good place to go fishing and a boat lauch as well.Actually there are 2 boat launches in that area.Small boats (EXAMPLE): Canoes,10 to 12 ft bass boats etc.
I have seen some nice cat,and bass, and carp taken out of that river.
For the most part this is a large area of public land and there is a map of the property at the Welcome center (at the bottom of the mountain).

Enjoy ,have fun, and please respect this area and all others,.and most of all THINK SAFETY!!!

Thanks ,...and Later ALL

Published By Wolvie00 (http://spaces.msn.com/members/Wolvieshuntinop...)

07-25-2005, 06:05 PM
I did some fishing at Spier Falls once, its a nice place.