View Full Version : Levergun Question -- Winchester Mod 94

07-24-2005, 09:29 AM
OK now, I'm not sure just which forum to post this one in but rifles seems right.

This is just a curiosity kind of question. Can you use 44 Special rounds in a Winchester Model 94 chambered for 44 Magnum? And/or, similarly, can you use 38 Special in one set up for 357 Magnum.

I've been giving some thought to a Model 94 Trapper in .44 Magnum as kind of a "GP" carbine for home or car. The 44 Special point jsut popped into my mind yesterday.


07-24-2005, 10:48 AM
Yes, you can, with a condition.
It would certainly be safe to fire 44 Special ammo in a 44 Magnum 94, and 38's in a 357.
The question is, will they feed thru the magazine...
Tube feed lever guns tend to be finicky about cartridge length, so you may find the shorter Specials feed, or find they won't.
But, single loading the shorter Specials into the chamber? No problem.

model 70
07-25-2005, 07:00 PM
what's "GP"?

07-25-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by model 70
what's "GP"?

GP = General Purpose

07-27-2005, 11:48 AM
Here is the bad anser. It depends. It depends on the gun and on the ammo. I have seen 357s load 38s, and I have seen same model jam chambering them or ejecting them. Same thing with 44 mag. Best answer is it depends on your gun.

However that being said it "SHOULD" work.


07-30-2005, 12:38 AM
I go with Good Old Boy. Really, all you can do is try it. The worst that can happen is they will jam. Easy enough to clear. Remove the screw at the end of the magazine tuce, and carefully, I said "CAREFULLY :D remove the plug. Here's where he carefully comes in, be sure to keep the spring from flying all over hell and gone. :rolleyes: Dump the rest of the rounds from the tube, then clear the jam if you haven't already done so. I've had to do this with a 94 in 30-30 when I ran some light plinking load with 110 gr. cast bullets and they were too short to work through the action. In my case, the jammed bullet was easily pushed back down and it too went out the front of the magazine tube.
Paul B.

08-03-2005, 07:46 PM
Im thinking of geting a Marlin .454 leveraction. I as told that it can shooot .45's alright, but its best to feed them through the chamber. Cause it might not feed .45's very relyably.

I duno if Winchester .44 is the same way?

Rocky Raab
08-04-2005, 02:13 PM
Bullet length and shape have a lot to do with it. If the shorter .45, .44 or .38 won't feed with lead SWC bullets, try either a rounded nose bullet (Cowboy Action bullets are specifically designed to feed) or a jacketed bullet.

Cowboy Action bullets are usually called RNFP, for round nose flat point. Unfortunately, they're also often on the light side to minimize recoil in that timed game. But if you can find heavier ones, they should work fine - or at least much better than a sharp-shouldered SWC.

model 70
08-04-2005, 03:44 PM
that marlin in .454 seems like it would surpass the ol' 30/30's all the guys with dogs use when they run black bears. plus, plink with 45's in the off season? sounds good to me.

08-04-2005, 05:04 PM
Yeah I thought so myself... Pluse they could knock the snot out of a hog.

I like Marlin leverguns cause they are side eject, and can mount a scope.
Pluse their Customer Service is great. My dad has benn using the same Marlin .30-30 for nearly 30 years, when his barrel warped. He sent it back. When he receved it, Marlin even refinished the gun.

model 70
08-04-2005, 06:02 PM
ok, now what about cost and availability of ammo in .454 vs. 30/30?

08-05-2005, 07:00 AM
I never look for .454 ammo, so I duno the avalibility. I myself am not worried. It seems everyone that lives around here that isnt a Lib. has handguns(I do love this town:D )! 30/30 is avalible everywhere. I bet the cost of 30/30 ammo is less. But I wold think the extra buck or more would be well worth it!
If ya wana plink, just get readly avalible .45 Colts.

This chambering seems GP to me.

model 70
08-05-2005, 09:20 AM
ok, i'm a bit lazy to go look at gun mfg. sites. who offers the .454 in a lever gun and what model/configuration? while you're at it, care to gimme an idea of the .454 RIFLE ballistics?

08-09-2005, 08:38 PM
Balistics:could knock the snot out of a hog Your not the only lazy one around here:p :D

I was wrong about Marlin making a .454 lever action. Its actualy Rossi. Its called the Puma M92 Lever Rifle.