View Full Version : question on choate stock and 700

07-24-2005, 07:52 PM
i bought a choate varmint stock really cheap for a short action 700 and i put the 700 in but i had to take the box that holds the ammo off in order for it to fit into the stock - it was too deep or the hole was too shallow - depends on how ya look at it - anyhow i just laid the spring and the guide thing in the big hole in the stock and put the rifle on top - well i dont care if i can only shoot one shot at a time - i never use the ammo box but the problem is when i pull the bolt out with a used round the case sometimes falls in the crack at the back and goes under the slide thing- i was wondering if there is a plate or something - a solution to filling this hole up - as long as i can shoot one at a time that is great - anyone else run into this problem - i really like this stock and dont know if it makes a difference in how this 222 rem shoots or not - i got some different powder coming for 222 and plan on shooting the gun some more soon - any solutions out there thanks