View Full Version : dog problem

07-25-2005, 02:28 PM
I have a problem with my dog. It doesnt want to wait on comand. some people told me when i open the front door and if they go throuh i should slam the door on them and thats sopoes to help? It seems crul so i am looking for some friendly advice! srry for the spelling!!

07-25-2005, 02:43 PM
Don't slam the door so much that they get hurt. They will see the door coming at them and probably stop in their tracks.

Have you worked on the sit command and will it hold the sit command for any length of time? If so, put the dog in the sit command and open the door. Then give him the release command after letting him wait a couple of seconds. Increase the length of the wait as the dog holds the command longer and longer. If the dog breaks the command early, you just close the door on it without breaking its nose. I have always used this on my dog, Nitro, until I put hardwood floors in the house. He gets so excited when I give him the command to go outside that he was tearing up the floors. So, I let him into the garage without giving him any commands, but I make him sit before I open the garage. Then I open the garage and walk out. After I am about 10 yards outside, I give him the release command (i.e., "Okay") and he is off and running without doing any damage to the concrete.

Doc E
07-25-2005, 06:45 PM
It's only about compliance to OBEDIENCE.....................
"SIT" means sit until given another command.

07-25-2005, 08:38 PM
Well guess I would never use the door thing unless it was maybe a poodle lol

07-26-2005, 05:48 AM
Say whay you mean
Mean what you say :cool:

07-26-2005, 04:13 PM
I used Doc E's theory on both my dogs. Figgured stay was just another command to confuse them if they were already sitting. a piece of plywood about 2 ft square with a short leash and an eye bolt in the middle of it. Would have them sit then walk off. their weight wouldnt allow them to get off the plywood.

07-26-2005, 07:55 PM
That is a good one Rubicon. I will have to use it the next time I have to teach a dog the sit command.

By the way, I hope I wasn't confusing above. I also believe that the sit command means sit until given another command. Honestly, I believe any command means wait until given another command or until being released with the "Okay" command.

My problem is my parents and siblings. Nitro knows sit and down and they are two completely different commands. However, when these guys want him to sit they say "Sit Down". The poor dogs has no idea what to do and I have to scream at my parents or siblings. Well, I don't actually scream, but it does irritate the heck out of me. My parents and siblings also allow him to break the sit command. Luckily, they do not visit all too often.