View Full Version : Need a roof rack

07-27-2005, 05:08 PM
I need a way to tie down my kayak but I have no roof rack or gutters; just a slick roof. I know there are racks out there for this type of rack but I haven't been able to find one. Any help?

07-27-2005, 09:31 PM
Yakima Racks are fine quality I have 2 sets, you can carry anything with the accesories.

Go here


Choose a rack , put in your make year of auto and it will pick the right one.

Check out the rack basics section also.

07-27-2005, 11:05 PM
Yep, Yakima makes a great rack, but they are somewhat pricey.

I got my rack from Performance Bikes and it has been working fine for the last five years and I have used a cargo carrier on it too. My car does not have any gutters on it and the rack has been on there ever since without any problem.

Go to www.performancebike.com and see what they have under the Xport racks. I am not sure that they have something for kayaks, but if they do the rack will be cheaper than a Yakima.

However, the Yakima is a great rack with probably more applications than the Xport. Another company that makes a rack is Thule. You can probably do a search on that one and it will bring plenty of hits.

07-27-2005, 11:32 PM
I don't necessarily need something specifically for a kayak. I actually found a couple on JC Whitney that aren't near as pricey as the Yakima or Thule racks. I'm actually just looking for a basic roof rack that I can tie down my yak to instead of using my mirrors and receiver. Thanks for the input.

07-28-2005, 05:40 AM

I have a realtively inexpensive way of carrying my canoe. It consists of four blocks of foam rubber to keep the gunnels off the roof. There are tie-down straps for the bow and stern that hook to your bumper or vehicle frame and a larger strap that wraps over the canoe and runs through the vehicle to hold it on. This lang strap goes through the door openings and the doors close over it with now porblem. I'v eput thousands of miles on with that strap in place. but don;t drive without it.

The same manufacturer makes a kayak carrier pack. If you cna't find it in your local sporting goods store (I've seen it in our local Gander Mountain) try Cabelas or Campmore on-line. I have not looked of it in Cabelas so I don;t know if they carry it, but Campmore probably does.

The cost (I'm guessing based on my canoe carrier) is probalby around $50.
