View Full Version : well I am the proud new owner of a CZ-52

07-28-2005, 07:52 AM
Picked it up last night. Firing pin is intact and the decocker actually works without setting of a round, I do not plan on using the decocker with a loaded round in the chamber but I did test it.

Well I guess all I can do is wait for Saturday to get here so I can go shoot it.

Think I am going to buy an extra firing pin, and the 9mm barrel for it from Makerov.com

I think it would be kinda nice to be able to swap the barrel and shoot 9mm as well as the 7.62 x 25.

BTW I never realize that the 7.62 x 25 was such a high velocity round. S & B ammo is avertised at 1649 FPS and 511 Ft/lb at the muzzle with an 85 grain FMJ

Think I might order a couple boxes of the hollow point ammo from makerov.com too

08-03-2005, 08:22 AM
Man what a loud but sweet shooting gun. If I do my part that gun will still outshoot me. I only had a 50 round box of Sellier and Bellot shells but I shot all but 8 of those up.

Good googily moogely is that thing loud. But very accurate and a pleasant gun to shoot. Muzzle flip is a little extreme but if I really do not like the muzzle flip Makarov.com sells an extended port barrel for the CZ52 that I have heard eliminates a lot of it.

Can't wait to get to the store and get a couple hundred rounds and get back to the range. in fact I might do that this weekend

50 rounds for $8.50 I'll have fun all day long

08-03-2005, 02:04 PM
I have one too and they are a blast to shoot. My gun is very reliable as well. I am in no hurry to try the decocker with a live round yet. haha

Gil Martin
08-03-2005, 05:18 PM
I have CZ-52s in 7.62 and 9mm and enjoy shooting both of them. All the best...

08-03-2005, 06:39 PM
My PA-63 chambered in .380 also has a bit of recoil for a tinny cartrage.

08-04-2005, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Builder45
I have one too and they are a blast to shoot. My gun is very reliable as well. I am in no hurry to try the decocker with a live round yet. haha

yeah I don't think I would use it in an enclosed area but I did try it at the range with the barrel point down range and it worked without going bang probably a dozen time.

If I have to decock it somewhere other than the range I think I will do it the old fashion way with my thumb on the hammer. haha

08-14-2005, 09:59 AM

I'm sure you'll enjoy your cz-52, but a word of advice.

while your decocker may work now, once you install the heavier spring and firing pin, it will most likely not work, or even worse, it may work intermittantly.

on an ammo note, the FNM hollowpoint work nicely in mine.
i persoannly feel that the S&B fmj is slightly most accurate, but the FNM's aren't far behind it.

There are a few people out there who do custom loadings as well for 7.62x25, check out reedsammo.com for one.

also watch out of the Portagease (speling?) surplus ammo.
the loading is fine, but the way they crimped it, leaves a small lip that can make it hard to fully chamber if you have a nice tight chamber and throat on your pistol.

11-16-2005, 02:19 PM
well I just ordered 1200 rounds of 7.62 x 25 ammo from AIMsurplus.

Is 1980's vintage Romanian Surplus ammo

I am thinking that it is NOT corrosive as everythign that AIMSurp sell that is Corrosive is normally marked as such on the website and these are not, plus I don't know of too many manufactures that were still making corrosive ammo in the 80's

Long story short Buy it cheap and stack it deep.

1200 rounds will likely last me for a looong time.

I am also going to see what/how much decent ammo for the CZ I can pick up at the Gun Show this weekend. I know I want some of that hollow point ammo for it, at least 5 or 6 boxes