View Full Version : having a 6 br or 222 rem built

08-01-2005, 08:42 PM
i put this here only because i didnt know where else to put it - i am down to the last caliber i want to play with and it would be a 6br - first off i want to ask whats the difference in 6mm ppc and 6 br and 6 norma and a few more i cant remember - i had a buddy to tell me that a "6 br" is what i needed for paper at 100 yrds and if i wanted to later shoot it at longer range i could but it would make me happy - well i have a 700 remington short action that came from a 204 caliber and if it will work i want to have a gunsmith put a 6 br barrel on it and maybe a stock - i cant spend the 1800.00 bucks that he wants for a benchrest gun but after a little trigger work and a nice stock i hope this rifle will shoot with the new barrel and stock- that 6br cartridge looks pretty neat - fat little thing aint it - anyhow if you fellas would make a suggestion as how to go about this and maybe what type barrel and the differences in the 6br /ppc/ all the other stuff - i was told that the gunsmith can make my dies at the same time he makes the barrel and it would be better because the barrel and dies would match- i am not sure as far as the cost - barrel stock dies and labor but at least the action is paid for and this fellas likes the remington actions even though its not a 40x - has anyone else done that same thing and did it shoot like you wanted it to and do you have a 6br and are you happy with it - thanks for any input you can offer

Lone Star
08-02-2005, 08:01 AM
I once had a 6BR and liked it, but had it rebarreled when I tired of it. For an all-around target cartridge it is great since it has a greater capacity than the 6PPC and can give .22-250 performance with 55-grain Noslers on varmints. It has a very high accuracy potential, although the 6PPC will shade it in top-level BR competition. That was fine with me, aggs in the 0.3 moa range were fine with me. That's four, 5-shot groups averaging in the 0.3s, not just one bragging group.....

Done right it won't be cheap. I like Hart barrels, although I've used Lilja and Jarrett with excellent results. You can go the route of custom dies - done right they work the brass very little and cases last forever. I assume the 'smith will true up the receiver and use a thicker recoil lug when he puts on the barrel. He should square up the bolt face and lap the bolt lugs to even contact as well. Trigger is up to you, but a factory trigger will limit your practical accuracy with the rifle.

Stock - make certain that the action is at least pillar bedded into a good 'glass stock. A glue-in is "better" by a tiny amount, but you need a large freezer to remove the action. My most accurate firearm was glued in, but a good pillar bedding job is almost as good.

Barrel care and shooter technique will have a great effect on the rifle's performance. After it's built it's all up to you! :cool:

08-02-2005, 07:34 PM
lonestar that 0.3 will make people around me all day ask me what i am smiling about LOL - and you know im gonna tell them - that 55 gr nosler is my favorite bullet and i got a ton of them - you say it wont be cheap doing it this way but man have you priced a rifle like this and if i already got the action even if it needs a little work done to it dont you think i will still come out better this way especially if i am patient and buy my stock and barrel before i go - now thats with asking mr smith what he likes to work with - and the custom dies - do you mean the ones he makes while he is making the barrel or is this something else that comes from a place like sinclairs - and what do you think about a barrel that is already bedded with aluminum - i guess i need to ask mr smith all this - also can ya tell me more about teh barrel care and shooter technique i have read stuff but i sure would like to hear it from a person educated in this i really appreciate your suggestion and info a lot - i dont want to rely on mr smith for everything and like to be a little informed before i go to his house and talk to him please keep the info coming

08-02-2005, 08:32 PM
fellas offer me one more bit of advice - i dont know how you feel about outside neck turning but i got a 40x that is new to me and the fella i got it from turned the necks - i could not ask for it to shoot any better than it does and i have shot his reloads in it and used the same cases and same load and it shoots as great with my stuff but i want to turn my necks on the outside - well i got a forster hand held neck turning outfit and well im not too good at it - im not sure what he uses but his cases look great but mine - what few i have messed up dont seem to be even when looking at them - anyhow i cant use his forever so i ordered me 50 norma cases and want to get a neck turning setup - what do you suggest for neck turning and i hope you dont have to hold it in your hand lol

08-15-2005, 07:21 PM
well since i got no suggestions i bought the rcbs neck turner that goes on the trim pro and am very very happy with the results - i know i should try a few loads without turning and see what happens to my shots but if its shooting great with this recipe then i am going to keep on doing and using what is proven itself to me - i am only taking off the least amount of brass so i will see what happens with the new brass as well - i will try a few without turning so someone can say told ya so lol - just thought i would toss the info in there for the fellas that do neck turn and wondered about the rcbs setup - it works great so far :D

Cal Sibley
05-09-2006, 05:32 PM
You also mentioned the .222Rem. It's a real sweetheart of a cartridge. My Remington 40XBBR reliably shoots in the .2"s. Having said that I should note that if I put it on the line at a benchrest match the .2" groups would probably finish 25th. out of 25 rifles on the line. As much as I like it, the .222Rem. is yesterdays rifle. I think the 6BR might also fit that category. Just one mans opinion. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

kailua custom
05-29-2006, 01:17 PM
You mentioned the "donor" action as coming from a 204. This means the bolt face is set for the [if you will] .223 Rem family of cases. If you want to make a 6 BR you`ll have to have your gunsmith open up the bolt to the .473 diameter and change the extractor. Check this out as this gets spendy sometimes. At this point check the little 6 PPC. This is the all-around winner in the BR tournements. You might consider keeping the [204] action around for another project and look for another donor with the correct bolt face. Any good 243, 308, 22-250 action will do you well. Good luck with the project.

Aloha, Mark