View Full Version : winchester knives

model 70
08-02-2005, 04:26 PM
what's your thoughts on them? just picked one up al wal-mart for under $9. wood/metal handle, one handed operation and is SHARP right out of the box.

08-02-2005, 04:39 PM


Rick R
08-08-2005, 05:08 AM
Wal-mart = China

But that's a different thread!

Winchester knives are, indeed, imports. The knives coming out of China are mostly JUNK. In all fairness, Taiwan is making some pretty good stuff. Winchester - definitely on the low end of the quality scale. Get back to us in a month or so and give us an update.

08-14-2005, 09:37 PM
I've used one now for over a year to clean fish. Only had to sharpen it once . Yes, it was made in China. But, it's a good knife for the price. Just wish it was made in the U.S.A.


02-11-2006, 08:00 PM
You get what you pay for. Its a descent $9 knife. I keep one in the truck for cutting things I would not want to use a good blade on.

rick savage
02-14-2006, 03:22 PM
most all the major brand knives have international knives made,so be careful when buying, you do get what you pay for. not to say that knife won;t be good just not as good as the ones made here. winchester along with remington have been making very good knives for years, good luck

Mike Moss
02-14-2006, 10:30 PM
If you mean the liner lock knife with the partial serrated blade I have used one and after I saw how it performed I now have about a half dozen of them.

I shot a buck and gutted it out so fast with that knife. Usually it takes a moment to get thru the hair and started thru the skin. That knife is so sharp that I could see the cut hair jumping left and right away from the blade. It was like one of those Jap steakhouses!!

As a mfg. rep. I have an account with a wholesale house and I can get just about any knife at about half price. These Winchester/China knives are a better buy. They are marked "Surgical Steel" whatever that means! but indeed they are sharp and hold an edge. I have a large knife collection and I prefer one of these knives in case I loose it. On the takeback side they are a liner lock and harder to clean the gunk out afterwards. Those brass rivets and wood inlays sure look nice to me. Yes they are $9! You don't get what you pay for. You get what you know and work for.


rick savage
02-23-2006, 08:01 PM
they don;t hold up with long term use. your u,s,a, or german knives will do better

Mike Moss
02-26-2006, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by rick savage
they don;t hold up with long term use. your u,s,a, or german knives will do better

What do you base this on?

Have you used this knife for a long time and found that something is not up to something else? Be specific.

rick savage
02-27-2006, 10:13 PM
mike this is only my 2-cents, yes i have used these knives, i have a knife store and try alot of knives. i use them mostly on hogs. not saying there not good knives but for us they don;t hold up as good as a case,puma or boker.

02-28-2006, 08:32 AM
My 2 cents as well.

I own four winchester/wal-mart knives all fixed blade. Two are great blades that hold an edge well. Two you can't put a freakin' edge on, and the blade geometry is WAY off, but they make pretty decent tent stakes in a pinch.

My brother bough that exact folding knife, and his holds an edge well. A buddy of mine bought one and took it back three times before he got one that would sharpen.

I think its a crap shoot. You are more likely to get junk than not, but for $9 its worth a shot. Like I said I got two good ones out of the batch so I can't complain too much.


Mike Moss
02-28-2006, 03:41 PM
"A buddy of mine bought one and took it back three times before he got one that would sharpen. "

Now thats persistance. I would have given up with the first bad one. I have only used one these and it worked well and does not need to be sharpened.

I will just use the others as time goes by.

If I had a knife store I would not want customers to know about $9 knives that look that nice.

rick savage
02-28-2006, 08:07 PM
i don;t mind at all when they buy knives at walmart, when they want a good knife they end up in my store

03-01-2006, 08:47 AM
Yes but understand that Rick is right too. My winchester are nice little around the house piddlin' knives, and have skinned several chickens etc, heck I even keep one in my truck just in case, but when I am hunting and or my life might depend on my knife it is Kabar, and Camillus.


Mike Moss
03-01-2006, 11:10 AM

When I was a kid my dad gave me a new Kabar sheath knife with an orange handle.

We were in Boy Scouts and at the armory setting up for an exhibit. I was hacking on a piece of wood with the Kabar like you would with a hatchet.

The Kabar knife blade broke in half.

The one WW knife that I have used did fine. The next Kabar might break in half. Almost all of Stanleys tools are made in China now and they don't break.

Go ahead and clean chickens with your Kabar!

Wait a minute! Your skinning chickens? Why are you skinning chickens? And the guy took a knife back to Walmart 3 times and sharpened it each time. I am calling baloney and I think a Kabar will cut baloney.

03-01-2006, 01:05 PM
An orange handled kabar? You must mean the stacked leather some of them are almost orange. That's odd, my grandfather used one during the korean war in which he pried, cur, chopped, hacked, stabbed, and did God knows what else to it. He still has it and it still holds an edge. I have a kabar that I have pried, chopped, cut, used to break joints loose on deer, and hacked through ribs when cleaning deer and it still has and edge and hasn't bent, although I don't use it to clean chickens, just deer and wild game. I use (as I stated) one of the winchester knives from wal-mart to clean chickens.


Yes he took the knife back three times and each time they exchanged it for a new knife in the package. Each time he got it home he attempted to sharpen it using a very nice lansky set that he preferes (I prefere a aluminum oxide ceramic stick myself)The last time he got one that would actually hold an edge. All he needed was a knife to hold a decent edge for cutting packing straps where he worked because he kept snapping box cutter blades on the heavy nylon/plastic straps. He didn't want to spend more than about $10 because he didn't want something he was going to have to worry about losing, etc.

Want to talk about calling baloney?


Mike Moss
03-04-2006, 02:46 PM
The Kabar with the orange grips was new and broke about 1954. It was a conventional sheath knife but smaller than average. It snapped off just where the blade beings near the handle.

From the knives that I have seen that could not be sharpened ?? it always seems that someone can do it.

Took it back three times??

rick savage
03-04-2006, 07:32 PM
this has been an interesting post, some good and somebad about all knives, that;s why there are so many different brands,thanks mike moss we would not got this far without you. keep posting

03-04-2006, 11:48 PM
I suspect that Kabar was cracked and that's why it busted. I've had mine for 15 years and it's never failed me. I've used and abused it and never had a problem. If something ever happens to the one I have I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one. I got mine for $30 dollars and I think 15 years worth of faithful service is a pretty good deal. I have others that I carry but the Kabar is always in my pack as my "just in case" knife: the one I may have to depend on to get me out of a jam.

Mike Moss
03-05-2006, 12:28 PM

rick savage
03-05-2006, 08:44 PM
nice picture, what kind of gun is that? is that a winchester from walmart?

03-06-2006, 08:43 AM
Mike, why is it so hard for you to believe he returned and exchanged the product to wal-mart three times before getting a good one? I have often had other products that had problems and wal-mart has always exchanged them, although the last couple of years they drag their feet more about it.

Nice deer btw. I am more curious as to what caliber that muzzloader of yours is. Sure is a beauty.


Mike Moss
03-06-2006, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by rick savage
nice picture, what kind of gun is that? is that a winchester from walmart?


No it's a Kimber silly. :D

It's a Savage ML 10 shooting the 250 SST over AA 5744.

It gutted that tender buck so fast. All I need to do is get inside and I tear a lot of the stuff out with my hands.

That snow had a crust on it and by the time I got the deer out much of its hair was gone on one side.

I keep that knife here by the puter on a table with the coffee. I like it.

03-06-2006, 02:46 PM
keep that knife here by the puter on a table with the coffee. I like it.

And that right there is what counts more than anything.


rick savage
03-06-2006, 07:58 PM
amen,,,, at least we keep this post interesting