View Full Version : question for UKFoxman

jon lynn
08-06-2005, 11:31 AM
question for UKFoxman

I don't mean to stero type, but I need a good recipie for Yorkshire pudding. Mine are okay (I guess), but my method id very basic.

I use the Jamie Oliver 1+1+1 recipie., by that I mean same measurment of flour, eggs and milk. But I am never sure of the right amount of oil in my baking form.

I only use veg oil, but always fear it will burst in to a three alarm fire I know peanut oil is very good for hot oil cooking, but I worry about the flavor.

Their is no way I can do the traditional way of letting a real roast drip onto the batter, because my friends oven is very small.

Here in Texas I find myself explaining a lot of European foods, but I really want to make a great pud for my friends before I fly in about two weeks......................Jon

08-06-2005, 05:19 PM
jon im not to sure as uk foxman still comes on here ?
but as we eat yorkshire puds, and im from yorkshire lol, ill tellyou our way, try a teaspoon in each mould or baking form what ever you call it,
heat the oil first till its really hot then add pudding mix,

4oz plain floor
pinch of salt
2 eggs in jug = make this upto 1/2 pint with milk,

that makes 12 small pudding`s
nany thanks mark

jon lynn
08-07-2005, 01:27 PM
Thanks Mark. I don't use a muffin/cupcake form, just because my friends don't have one:rolleyes:

But I might buy one just for this, BUT a cassarole dish may do for now, what is your take on sausage slices in a pud?

08-07-2005, 08:35 PM
I haven't seen UKF around here for a good while.:confused:

08-09-2005, 09:14 PM
sausage slices in a pud we cal it (toad in the hole) dont ask me why, but we normally put whole sausages into the pudding mix
thanks mark

08-09-2005, 11:41 PM
it has been a good while.

08-14-2005, 07:20 PM
and I bet it will be a GOOD while longer !