View Full Version : muzzy 4-blade fixed 100 grain broadheads

08-07-2005, 05:45 PM
what do yall think about muzzy broadheads. i always shot thunderhead 100s and i noticed that the muzzys was a smaller bladespan than thunderheads so i figgered that the muzzys might be a bit more accurate. what do yall think.

300 RUM
08-07-2005, 09:29 PM
My old Hoyt shooting at about 210 fps really likes the 100gr 3 blade Muzzys. They do alot of damage and penetrated well for not being a cut on contact head.

Unfortunately I am having a terrible time getting them to fly with my new Bowtech. It is shooting about 277 fps. Everyone teels me it shouldnt matter and its just a "tuning issue" . My bow will shoot perfect bullet holes in paper at 5 feet 10 feet and 10 yards but they still wont group of Muzzys great. I got tired of trying and am getting some mechanicals on Monday to try.

I will say they were great on my old bow and would really like to keep using them but the hunt is just too close to keep screwing around.:confused

08-08-2005, 04:35 PM
I currently use muzzy 115gr 4 blades.
I too have had problems getting 3 blade muzzys to fly well, though I haven't tried them lately - no need since I have a couple dozen 4 blades.
I have found 4 blades to fly better, partly because of the lower profile of the blades compared to 3 blades - less wind planing.
Tuning will make all the difference. Bullet holes are a great place to start, but its not the end. If your broad heads and field points are grouping differently, very minor adjustments to the rest and nock point will bring them together. It can be a tedious job, but it can be done. Moving the string nock or the rest in incriments of 1/32 of an inch at a time may be needed.
Of course, the first step in shooting a broadhead is to tune it to the shaft - make sure it spins with no wobble, and that you are using the correct spined shaft for your draw weight and length. If you find your on the line between two shaft stiffnesses, go with the stiffer one.

08-08-2005, 05:33 PM
Muzzy's are good heads, but I'll stick to my spitfires.

08-09-2005, 03:31 PM
I shot the 3-blade Muzzy's last year for the first time...they were very accurate on my old Bear Archery bow out to about 35-37 yards....I was very happy with them. Got a complete pass through on a buck at a little under 35 yards last year. I will be using them again this year I believe, or I may go to a 2 blade fixed.


09-06-2005, 09:33 AM
i shoot the 90's off my hoyt with my midget 27 inch arrows, always a pass through, even through shoulder. i like the 4 blades the exit looks like some body ran an apple corer through. the energy after the deer always amazed me. after the hit i have seen arrows i cant get out of tree the arrow that summer saults across end over end 20 yds past the deer, though i missed the first one because of that, i would like a little more cutting dia.

10-20-2005, 08:25 PM
If you cannot get these broadheads (or any quality broadheads for that matter) to hit on top of your fieldpoints then the bow is not tuned. I can switch from Muzzy 4 blade, to magnus 2 blade, to NAP TH 3 blade and they will all shoot the same as long as the bow is tuned and the BH is not a wobbler (spin test to confirm). Muzzy 4 blade heads are great. I shoot the 100 gr version. This was the latest harvest (first arrow in quiver was a pass-through and the visible arrow was a "coupe de grace" that really wasn't necessary but did it to quicken the process.
