View Full Version : is everybody ready?

08-11-2005, 06:18 PM
20 days till dove opener.... I'm not even close , I've got 3/4 a box of shells left from last year. Never got my hunting box with drawers built for the back of my explorer so i can leave pretty much everything except firearms and dogs. I wanted to build a double kennel for the dogs to go on top so whenever i get the urge all i gotta do is grab the dogs and run . Although i have an excuse since we've got a baby on the way and tryin' build another bedroom it's still not much of one.

08-12-2005, 04:55 PM
As Kurt Russell said,
"I was born ready."

08-24-2005, 09:57 AM
dove seasen has been canceled on us here thaks to peta and our gov so it looks like it might bee goose sep 1.
I have never used my dog on ducks or geese and i dont know how my freinds will take her in the blind.
The dog loves hunting grouse and works real close

08-24-2005, 06:17 PM
Sorry to hear that they canceled the season on doves. Maybe they should have open season on peta members. what a bunch of ****.:mad:

08-25-2005, 01:41 AM
Dogs are ready and so am I and should be a good upland year in SD again.

08-25-2005, 10:45 AM
I have boxes and boxes of shells left over from last year's dove season because I was ready for that one and barely got to go.

My excuse was planning a wedding and remodeling a townhouse. This year, the wedding is done and the only thing left to be done in the townhouse is the garage, which I hope to tear into this weekend. A week from today at this time, I will be loading my gun up with some #7 1/2's and heading out to my spot with Nitro. I just came in from playing fetch with him and he is out of shape. Hopefully, seeing the doves and being out in the field will give him some motivation.

08-25-2005, 06:41 PM
Trigger finger is startin' to kick in. I think Bosco is startin' to notice somethin' is up , he got pretty wound up when i drug out the huntin' bag.

08-26-2005, 05:57 PM
You know a friend of mine mentioned this today that he has not seen the numbers compared to last year on the doves. I have not seen this either and not sure what the deal is .?

08-27-2005, 04:55 PM
Yeah I noticed that too. I was kinda glancin' around on my way home last night and i really didn't notice as many as last year. I'm still gonna go out though it's just somethin' I gotta do it's been a long year and I need the release.
Good luck to all

09-01-2005, 11:38 PM
We stumbled on a spot last year that was pretty thick with Grouse so I may head up there tomorrow and give it a shot.

09-02-2005, 08:17 AM
I will miss the opener as FEMA is sending me to Atlanta for starters and will be gone most of Sept.