View Full Version : need opinions suggestioins for 10-22 ruger

08-13-2005, 09:20 AM
i have seen so much stuff out there for these rifles and have read they shoot fairly well so i got my eyes open for one - by the way what do the 10-22's run because if i am not mistaken i have seen them at the local walmart i just never thought they shot very well so i put no interest in them - i have never had a semi auto 22 that would shoot very well - anyhow if i a fella wanted to buy one and put a stock and barrel on it ( that fajen stuff looks good but does it shoot good) do they shoot in an inch at a 100 with the 9.00 a brick stuff - yea thats probably asking a lot but i do have a contender that will keep it in an inch 3 out of 5 shots at a 100 so i know it can be done - thats using cheap federal stuff too- anyhow my question is if a fella gets a 10-22 what can he do to it to make it shoot as well as possible without spending an arm and leg - and i did read all the post here and so far its the green mountain barrel from what i have read but if you fellas that have a modified ruger that shoots then i sure would like to hear what you have to say

08-13-2005, 05:01 PM
ive got a 10/22.

it started out life as stainless 10/22T rifle cost right at 300. kinda spendy for 10/22. stock the rifle shot very good. but at 50yds to 70, 1" ten shot groups were normal, but at 200 i never realy tried.

now the rifle is blued and sports a 16.5" gm fluted barrel instead of the 20" ruger barrel. you wouldnt think it but acuracy improved with the 3.5" shorter barrel.

the barrel swap was brought about because the ruger barrel wouldnt hardly feed ammo. rife was sent back to ruger and they never got the problem fixed. i on last chance ditch effort swapped tubes and the problem dissapeard. with improved acuracy.

16" is suposebly the ideal barrel lenght to burn off all the 22lrs powder without that added 3"s of drag ounce the powders
burned, and the bullet is basicaly just gliding already loseing steam inside the barrel.

the rifle now has weaver v16 target dot, and groups are improveing, just mounted the scope a few days ago and sited in at 20yds. ran out of day light. so i had to stop there.

i think this rifle is now far better than ruger T model and would have been cheaper if i had started with a walmart rifle rather than 300 dollar T model

check out


for alot more 10/22 info and lots of knowledable folks


08-14-2005, 09:56 AM
Does your Contender really shoot 1" at 100 yards? Probably not since only 3 out of 5 shots are within that 1" circle. I can probably put 3 out of 5 shots in a 1" group at 100 with my 10/22 and that is with a crappy Butler Creek Barrel on it.

I really like my 10/22 and plan on getting a Green Mountain barrel for it this winter because everybody says they are great. I am sure there will be more posts about the 10/22 on here because I have seen some really tricked out ones on here.

08-14-2005, 07:52 PM
fabs i dont think i got as good a rifle as yours - i just picked up a ruger 10-22 T with a fat barrel and put leupold rings and mounts on it and a nice scope and it will do well to put all of them in an inch at 50 yards - 100 yrds we wont talk about it and this was off of rest- i know 100 yrds is asking a little much for 22 rimfire and i only tried federal ammo in it - the contender likes the federal the best of all i have tried - i know im am dealing with a semi auto here so i dont expect it to shoot as well as single shot - this thing does have a nice trigger to be factory - i think that is part of the T - i dont know what i was thinking when i bought it because i like to shoot 100 yrds and not much less so - i got a almost new 10-22 target for sale - one more reason i am going to sell lol - i saw a winchester 9417 sitting beside this one and i believe that will be next on the purchase list- if it shoots as good as the 9422 but in 17 caliber now that excites me -the ruger looks really good and i guess it might shoot better with a different barrel but that barrel sure is a fat one and i will give it a few more turns with different ammo - if anyone is intersted in the ruger give me a shout

Rocky Raab
08-15-2005, 12:59 PM
I completely rebuilt a trashed 10/22 that I found in a plowed field. Musta fallen off (and been run over) by a tractor - and the harrow.

Nothing was salvagable but the bolt and receiver. I bought a Butler Creek stock, a replacement trigger group from Ruger and got a takeoff barrel from a custom shop. I put on an aperture rear and higher front sight to match. As rebuilt, it shot into about 2" at 50 yards. Just about what a factory standard model will shoot.

Then I replaced the trigger sear, hammer and firing pin with aftermarket drop-in items. Those things alone turned it into a 3/4" shooter using the same ammo.

I don't plan to do anything else to it.

A new standard 10/22 should run you about $150 or so at any Mart-Mart. The drop-in trigger items I used will run you $50-75. Shoot the factory gun and then try the drop-in parts first. You too might be able to stop right there.

08-15-2005, 04:00 PM
It wll cost you around $600 or more to 'trick out' a 10/22. Or, you can buy a Thompson Classic (by the same folks that make Contenders and Encore) for around $300. Mine is the most accurate production 22 semi auto I've owned ... which included a tricked out 10/22.

08-15-2005, 05:47 PM
Here is my custom 10/22

Its a tack driver :)

Extended mag release
Green Mountain SS fluted bull barrel
Hogue overmoulded stock
Trigger, bolt and reciever polished
Leupold rings and bases
24 ct. Gold pated reciever(Pimpin)
Harris bi-pod
dead gophers at 100 yards...priceless :D


08-16-2005, 09:01 PM
new 10/22lr 170
gm barrel 100
houge stock 50
trigger stuff 50
rings 50
scope 150
bipod 50
scope covers 12


669. 92 after taxes.

thats quite alot for your money

scope price could make it go up or down, same with the barrel. you may not want bipod. may be fine with the walnunt stock. might not want trigger stuff. or maybe wouild do some tuneing your self. scope covers are optional

mandatory stuff

rifle 170
barrel 100
rings 50
scope????? up to you how much you spend

at 320 you could be shooting a one of a kind custom rifle that you built. with your choice of glass.

also check ebay for great deals on any 10/22, theres barrels stocks, trigger stuff. factory ruger heavy tubes. rings bases. anything and everything that i cant think of right now.

good luck


08-17-2005, 05:58 PM

that the stock your looking at.??


bolt buffer. this is something i forgot to mention. 10/22s action cycleing can be smoother up alot with these, also quites the clank from the bolt going back and hitting the metal stop in the back of the reciver.

houge stock


one of the better trigger kits out there.


website with 10/22 barrels at dang good prices


can you tell im bored. ive got my 10/22 sitn here and im ready to snatch up the 300 and go out shooting. need to see how the 10/22 does with the target dot scope. seems to do pretty good but ive only puit a few groups through it at to close range to know

08-17-2005, 07:55 PM
bolt buffer. this is something i forgot to mention. 10/22s action cycling can be smoothed up alot with these, also stops the clank from the bolt going back and hitting the metal stop in the back of the reciver.

I agree :D


I found the bolt buffer to slow the cycle rate a fair amount. But that is not a problem for me. :D

Rocky Raab
08-18-2005, 09:41 AM
Funny thing...the first time I fired my 10/22 while wearing electronic earplugs, every shot I heard, "popdiiiiiinnnggg" The plugs are so fast, and amplify so well, that I was hearing the receiver ringing like a bell with every shot!

I swapped the steel one for a synthetic buffer, and now all I hear is "popdunk". Very short little dunk as the bolt hits the buffer, and no ringing at all.

I've seen 10/22s with thousands and thousands of rounds through them, and the ones with steel bolt stops all had elongated holes in the receiver, just from being pounded by the bolt every time. I've never seen a cracked receiver due to it, but it could happen, I suppose.

Yup, add a synthetic buffer to that list of "gotta haves."

11-11-2005, 11:20 PM
I'm with Cossack. Buy a T/C, save $300 plus still having a better rifle than you can buid from a 10/22. There was nothing really usable on my 10/22 except the receiver.



11-14-2005, 04:10 PM
You can start plowing hard earned money into a 10/22 and not stop until $600 or more to get the accuracy you seem to want from a semi auto. Or, you can get a stock TC Classic for less tha half of that. Depends what your primary objectiove is, a "project" to doll up and make uniquely yours (and that's cool) or a good shooter. Either way it's highly unlikely that you're going to do it at 100 yards, with a 22, using $9.00 a brick ammo. But have fun trying. (Now using, Winchester Power Points, which cost just a bit more.....you may stand a chance.
Best of luck.

12-31-2005, 01:43 PM
took a crow at 75yds this morning with my dolled up 10/22 useing bulk federal hollow points.

anything past that and she dropn like a brick, but its still doable.

ive got, a fair amount of money in the rifle.

10/22 T target stock, this was saved from my original 10/22T couldnt say how much it cost. the action cost 120 it was a used 10/22, the 16.5" gm barrel was i i think i cant remember it was under 150. trigger was slicked up by me(free) scope is weaver v-16, cost 289. scopes mounted on the weaver rail in cheap weaver 4x4 rings.

action 120
barrel 150
rings and stuff 50
scope 300
stock 50 hougue over molded.
trigger 50

my rigs runnin at about 720 if you add it all up. but the scopes spendy. you could spend 50 300 on a scope if you wanted. you might get away with slickn up the trigger yourself. or finding parts cheaper. you may use your factory stock. and barrels can be had for less cash to.

heres what id have into one if i did it today.
160 new 10/22
50 hougue stock
80 gm smooth 16.5" blued barrel
50 in trigger stuff or free
50 in rings

figure 400 bucks minus the scope.

i think ive said all this before. blah

then what if you recived the 10/22 as a gift. crack another 160 from the build. what if you find blimished barrels. heck who knows you can pretty much spend as little or as much as you want.



L. Cooper
12-31-2005, 03:16 PM

If you want a very accurate .22, why would you start with the 10-22 since there are so many other places to begin that are already much more accurate? It just seems like the hard (and expesive in the end) way to get it.

My 10-22 is for short range fun and small varmints. For that, it is accurate enough, and it is definitely reliable fun. I have other guns if I need accuracy beyond 50 yards.

01-13-2006, 02:31 AM
have you seen the 10/22 ruger race rifle about $370 look into it .

01-13-2006, 03:23 AM
I Have one
I got to get me a trigger kit for it, It has way to much travel,, But I like it,,,

01-13-2006, 03:30 AM
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Evan03. trigger was slicked up by me(free)
Mornin Evan03
If ya don't mind me askin, How did you do that ???

01-14-2006, 02:53 AM
i little sporting goods store up here sells them but mine looks nothing like what in your pics .

02-04-2006, 03:33 PM
ive seen some stock 10/22s that peper paper at 50yds then some that are acurate.

05-31-2006, 01:52 PM
My 10/22 is a Mannlicher stocked 'International'. The stock is a grey/green laminate. Bought it at Wally World in I believe 1994 as a marked down twice item. I think I paid about $150.00. The scope is a Simmons 4X. This .22 groups not much more than an inch at 50 yards. It has accounted for quite a number of squirrels.

05-31-2006, 03:57 PM
i've bought the 10-22"S mod 60 mar ,and various others ,a gentelman walked into our shop and traded a nice mdl 77-22 i snatched it right up i know you guys were talkin semis but ive never shot a nice 22 like this ! just thought id jump in bored also!!

05-31-2006, 05:21 PM
I have never tried a .22 rimfire bolt action gun. Grew up shooting the semis and I think that is what made it fun. I also don't see the extra need for accuracy in a .22 rimfire for hunting since the effective range isn't too far. Then again, my Butler Creek barrel in the 10/22 was throwing some horrible patterns at 50 yards.

As far as posting because you are bored, that is why I have 6,000+ posts. I am bored out of my mind half the time I am working.