View Full Version : I love my new bow

300 RUM
08-14-2005, 12:01 AM
I just got a new 2004 Bowtech Exreme VFT and it is great. I had an older Hoyt about a 1996. My hoyt had pins up to 50yds but never got under an 8" group at 50yds so my max comfort range was 40yds. My new Bowtech I have put pins up to 70yds and wow it puts them right in there. Here are 3 pics of groups tonight shooting my 100gr Wac'Em broadheads from 70 yards! My field points group just a little better maybe 1" tighter.

300 RUM
08-14-2005, 12:02 AM
another 70yd group

300 RUM
08-14-2005, 12:03 AM
60 yd group

For some of you this may be normal but for me this is great, I have had this bow a little over a month.

08-14-2005, 04:49 PM
dang! thats purty good fer 70 yards! i aint shot that far with a bow and actully hit the target. keep it up!

08-15-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm with DeadOn!

70 yards consistently is outstanding! I hope someday to be able to hit that type of success. Right now, my maximun comfort range is approximately half of that! Good luck to you this season with the new bow.;)

300 RUM
08-18-2005, 11:58 PM
I have been impressed all around with my new bow. I have been pretty consistant at 70 yds. I still have a "flyer" every 6-8 arrows that is way off but atleast I havent missed the target.:rolleyes: Not yet anyway:D

I doubt I would take a shot at an animal at that range but you never know if a 180" mule deer was broadside at 70 yards:confused: I may fling one. That is a long time for an animal to move or dodge it. It would definatly have to have no idea I was there. If it suspected anything Im sure it could dodge it and maybe not a complete miss but a very bad placed shot.

weekend warrior
01-03-2007, 03:36 PM
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