08-14-2005, 12:04 PM
Howdy folks! This is my first post on this board.
I have 2 buddies that I hunt with in area along the Red Deer river valley. Between the 3 of us we can take 9 mulies does, 2 mulie bucks, 3 whitetail bucks and 2 whitetail does.
This is due to fewer hunters and growing deer populations. There are fewer hunters because of more bull#@*& involved to get a hunting rifle than to get a mortgage. Gun control in Canada works just fine if you are a government pencil pusher or on the other end.. a criminal. Meaningless to both!
I have 2 buddies that I hunt with in area along the Red Deer river valley. Between the 3 of us we can take 9 mulies does, 2 mulie bucks, 3 whitetail bucks and 2 whitetail does.
This is due to fewer hunters and growing deer populations. There are fewer hunters because of more bull#@*& involved to get a hunting rifle than to get a mortgage. Gun control in Canada works just fine if you are a government pencil pusher or on the other end.. a criminal. Meaningless to both!