View Full Version : A Day at the Mifflin County Range

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:27 PM
Jason and Morgan talking gun stuffhttp://wildcatshooting.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=493

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:30 PM
My 11 year old Daughter in the middle of shooting a 2 inch 500 yard group with Her 6.5 Heaton heavy gun http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v404/jb1000br/DSC00931.jpg

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:33 PM
Jason helping Jena get on target with Jasons Custom 308 http://wildcatshooting.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=492

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:38 PM
My daughters first time "BELLY" shooting.She did her best to break a 24oz water bottle at 300 yards with the cap end facing us.If it would have been a 1 Liter she would have had it a few times:D http://wildcatshooting.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=495

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:42 PM
Me showing Jena how its done.I got the bottle...But it took me two shots:p http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v404/jb1000br/DSC00934.jpg

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:46 PM
Me shooting my 500 yard group.With my light 6.5 Heaton....My group was 3.4 inch's.Yep my daughter whooped mehttp://wildcatshooting.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=497

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:50 PM
Jena and Jasons 308

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:52 PM
Jason "Belly" shooting

Boyd Heaton
08-16-2005, 06:55 PM
And the last one...Jenas 6.5 Heaton heavy gun.At the last GroundHog match she won small 500 Yard group in the Unlimited class with a 1.8 incher

08-16-2005, 11:46 PM
My God, how many guns do you have? I thought I had a lot.

By the way, all the guns look very nice and I am surprised it took you two shots to get that water bottle. Then again, you did win the powder burner award. LOL

If I end up having all girls, I hope they are as into shooting as your daughter is. I guess her boyfriends will have to worry just as much about her shooting them as they have to worry about daddy shooting them.

ringneck 1
08-17-2005, 06:02 AM
that was one great day

rem 700
08-17-2005, 02:08 PM
Got some good lookin rifles there. My gosh, that's some good stuff you got going on there: wish I had that stuff...but I think my m16 will hold out for the accuracy I need. I'm more of an open sight man myself. I can do with those what it takes some to use a scope for. :D ...I'll stick to the m16 and other such things I can afford like the almighty Remington 700 ;) . How's your daughter shooting without a rest?

Boyd Heaton
08-20-2005, 07:47 PM
How's your daughter shooting without a rest? She shot very well off a bi-pod and rear sand sock.....I would not want her shooting at me from her belly:D

08-21-2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Boyd Heaton
Me showing Jena how its done.I got the bottle...But it took me two shots:p http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v404/jb1000br/DSC00934.jpg

Hey Guy! What's that on the end of the BBL, huh?

Boyd Heaton
08-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Hey Guy! What's that on the end of the BBL, huh? Thats a MUFF-LER...:D

08-26-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by royinidaho
Hey Guy! What's that on the end of the BBL, huh?

Like a Suppressor/moderator/silencer????

License required, right? Long wait, etc. Big bucks?

Watched a fella shoot an 8MM Rem Mag from Rem's custom shop w/'muffler' installed after market. Some outfit in Boise makes 'em.

Zip/zero noise - less than 22 rim fire. Recoil was also zip point nothing.

Boyd Heaton
08-26-2005, 09:21 PM
Like a Suppressor/moderator/silencer???? YepLicense required, right? Long wait, etc. Big bucks? Yep,yep:D

08-26-2005, 09:56 PM
As my buddy down the road, Ol' Napolean Dynamite would say.


09-19-2005, 09:30 AM
In that first picture of Jena, what is that apparatus that looks like a fan setting there poised toward the scope ?
Cool pics.

Boyd Heaton
09-19-2005, 11:23 AM
Yep thats a fan.....Blowing the mirage away from the scope

09-20-2005, 02:59 PM
Thought so. Thanks for clearing it up. :)

09-20-2005, 03:01 PM
What do you do for the mirage that's down range? :confused:

09-25-2005, 10:33 PM
i was wondering the same thing

09-26-2005, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by ol_spark
What do you do for the mirage that's down range? :confused:

Why thats easy to fix, you just turn on the "range fan" :D

Boyd Heaton
09-27-2005, 04:38 PM
Just aim at the one in the middle:D