View Full Version : Core-Lokt bullets

08-22-2005, 06:52 PM
Howdy folks! I am considering using 150g Core-Lokts out of my .308W Ruger bolt for deer, bear and moose this year. I am using BLC-2 with a muzzle velocity of 2850. I will keep shots within 250 meters. I chose this combo as it shoots more accurately than I can!
Has anyone had experience with this bullet/velocity on similar game? Good/bad commects appreciated.

Regards to all!

08-22-2005, 07:45 PM
sounds pretty close to the remington factory ammo. hit them in the right place and head for the freezer. core lokt's have harvested a lot of deer.

Lone Star
08-22-2005, 09:19 PM
My only concern is that the 150 CoreLokts are really deer bullets and may not penetrate enough on moose of any size. On lung shots they should do fine, but if you have to penetrate much meat they may not make it. 180-grain CoreLokts are designed for larger game and would be more suitable for moose. You don't need moa accuracy to kill a moose at 250 meters..... :cool:

08-22-2005, 09:53 PM
oooooooooops. sorry about that, i missed the part about moose. i'm thinkin' deer too much. season starts in 19 days here, but who is counting.? :D

i seen a hunting partner shoot through a moose with a 165 fail safe at almost 200 yds with a 308, i'm sure an x bullet would do the same . now i don't know about the 165 core lokt. so i gotta quit flappin' my gums and let somebody who has experience tell you.

good luck on your hunt.

08-23-2005, 10:17 PM
For everything you mentioned, go with 180 round nose Core-Lokts.