View Full Version : The Terrier Retreat

Andy L
08-23-2005, 08:13 AM
This is the pen and house I built for my dogs. Tagger, is a 6 yr old Airedale. Kate, is a 13 week old Airedale, Taggers grand daughter. Bonnie, the white one, is a 2 yr old JRT. This is my little Terrier Task Force. Look out coyotes and coons. :)

They live in the house, but sometimes we just cant take them and its nice for them to have a place to stretch and get fresh air while we are working. I built this pen around the big willow you see in the background that shades part or all of it all day long. The pen is 68'x48'x52". It has electric wire around the inside to keep them from digging or climbing. The house is 4'x8'x48" tall. Its carpeted and I put basement vents on it to allow circulation in the warm times and close them up in the winter. I also have a door designed for winter on the coldest days. I thought this was a pretty neat place for them.
