View Full Version : 7.62x39 anybody tried this?
08-24-2005, 01:55 AM
I'm looking to load some 7.62x39 ammo with a sabot and 22 caliber bullets. Rifle has a .308" bore. Any ideas or experience?
Paul B.
Rocky Raab
08-24-2005, 02:55 PM
If you're just looking to burn up some powder, it'd be a lot less frustrating to just dump it on the ground and light it.
If you're looking to throw away some bullets, it'd be more fun to drop them off a bridge into a river - and more accurate, too.
I couldn't get them to stay on a 2x4 FOOT piece of cardboard at 25 yards, but if your targets are bigger and closer than that, then you might like those sabot rounds.
08-24-2005, 03:38 PM
Yeah, but they missed at very high speed!
08-24-2005, 06:07 PM
You guys have me laughing pretty good. I saw those sabot .22's about 10 years ago and thought about loading them in a .30-06 cartridge. Then I thought better about it, but it would be pretty neat to miss at those extreme speeds unless you end up hitting something you really didn't want to hit.
08-24-2005, 07:39 PM
Was that the demise of the "Accelerator" round Rocky? I can't recall now. I know they tried that in the 30-06 and 30-30...just didn't last long. Buddy of mine tried the 06 ones and they shot real high in his rifle...about all I recall.
08-24-2005, 08:41 PM
I`ve never tried them because I have 2 friends that did. One of them loaded them into 2- .30-30`s, 2 - .30-06`s and a .308. Both guys said at 100 yrds you`ll come closer throwing rouck, even if you have a bad arm.
08-24-2005, 09:40 PM
I wish someone would try the 55 grain 30 caliber plastic core bullets from JRP, and tell me if they work, lol.
Rocky Raab
08-25-2005, 09:31 AM
Quig, the boys at Big Green had several bazillion more dollars to throw into development than I had. They eventually came out with Accelerator rounds in .30-06, .308 and .30-30. Their factory ammo would shoot about as well as the rifle was capable of. In other words, if you fired them in a deer rifle that usually shot 3" groups, then the Accelerator rounds would group about 3".
But hunters soon realized that a 3" group in a varmint rifle wouldn't cut it. So using their deer rifles as varmint guns didn't pan out. Which in turn meant that they quit buying Accelerators.
And Remmy isn't about to make things that don't sell.
As I see it, the problem with home-grown sabot rounds is inconsistency. I found it difficult to find a proper bullet-to-sabot fit. Even with a special seating tool, it was difficult to get bullets seated exactly the same in the sabots. Boattails were especially awful. Then it was almost impossible to get consistent neck tension on a seated sabot because they were so slippery.
Then, I also believe that the slipperiness and low mass of the sabot/bullet make it almost impossible to find a powder charge that will burn properly. The pressure curve/timing/volume/friction relationships are just weird.
08-27-2005, 01:27 PM
I had a friend of mine try the factory loaded ammo in his -06. He said that past 100 yrds. there was not much chance of hitting a groundhog. Real good to 75 yrds., but from there on out it really opend up.
Mickey Rat
09-08-2005, 01:51 AM
My brother had a 7.65 Argentine Mauser 25 years ago when he was about 16. He would use 32 acp bullets in it to get blazing speed out of them. They were fairly accurate (open sights) and very destructive. I'd give them a try.
Rocky Raab
09-08-2005, 09:07 AM
I agree. There are grundles of light bullet options available for .30-cal cartridges.
The 7.63x39 is designed for a 125-gr pill, so there aren't too many bullets lighter than that, but it isn't hard to develop loads with the Speer Plinker or any of the 110-gr soft or hollowpoints.
It wouldn't be hard to have a range of loads from 1000 fps through 2500 with those bullets. Something in there ought to meet any varminting/plinking needs that you could tackle with that type gun.
Mickey Rat
09-09-2005, 01:15 AM
Just a suggestion for you guys; If you don't have the bullet selection you want in yory bore size (some SKS's are a bit oversized) get a larger bullet and swage it down. Lee sells excellent swaging dies.
You might even try some 32 cal pistol bullets just for kicks, try not to push them to the vaporization point.
09-09-2005, 02:00 AM
OK guys, I'll fess up. I have this old geezer (79 years old) friend and the data is for him. I told him he was on a fool's errand but he knows better. I've been printing out the comments here and from the other sites I've asked the question on, and believe or not, he still doesn't get it.
The rifle BTW is am old 1889 Mauser that's been rebarrel to 7.62x39 with a .308" bore. Me? I'd almost be afraid to shoot hat old relic, but he shoots it all the time. I stay away from the range when he's out there with that thing.
Paul B.
Rocky Raab
09-09-2005, 08:55 AM
Well, I went ahead and ran the combo through Load From A Disk software.
It recommends a charge of 20.0 grains of 2400 as an optimum load. That should produce 39,000 CUP and 3000 fps.
My advice? Let the geezer load 'em. If you do it, he'll say you did something wrong when they spray all over the place.
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