View Full Version : Tioga County (PA) Youth Field Day

Adam Helmer
08-24-2005, 09:41 AM
On Saturday August 20, 2005 I spent the day at Ives Run on the black powder site. We had 137 kids ages 8 to 16 and adult sponsors come by our site in groups of 14 kids each. They shot .50 caliber T/C Black Diamond rifles at balloons on a target board about 30 yards from the firing line. Even the adults shot a few roundball and 50 grains charges at the balloons.

Many kids had never shot a gun before. All seemed to enjoy BP and they shot 3 or 4 rounds before the next group came to the site. A few kids asked questions about buying their own BP rifle for hunting and target shooting. All of them will be voters someday and we got most of their votes for our side.
