08-27-2005, 06:32 AM
Huntin season is comin fast...and insteada partyin on Sat nights, I been runnin dogs like mad.
I only kept 2 pups from the early spring's batch..both from my 6 yr old Sassy. Ole Scooter, my 13 yr old..had to go last Sat...I couldnt dream of leavin her..even tho i told her " Now you know you need to retire and take it easy." She wouldnt have no parts of it. Bless her heart...
so out we went in the cutover..and lo and behold..that lil male pup "Roscoe" jumped...they all lit in and the chase was on. I was real proud of that youngun. Well...after 5 rounds and 30 mins of hard runnin, the 2 pups came back. I praised em...I aint worried bout em stayin with the pack..yet. They will over time. Pups have a tendacy to run, fergit bout such things as "where's my master?" and then it seems like it hits em like a brick upside the
They are young and will git over that quick when they start runnin new places they aint never been before. They are already usin their noses to backtrack themselves and me iffin they git lost er turned around. (Believe it er not, that's a very important sense a dog needs to have..direction and common sense to find his well as listen to the familiar whoops of my voice...and not the whoop of a stranger)
Well...3 hours later..I got all the dogs back but Scooter and Cheif..and bless her lil ole heart..she was still runnin that rabbit..learnin my veteran dog Cheif how to do it too. That rabbit has been run many times fore..and hes smart..but he couldnt fool rabbit ever could. I was standin on the back deck listenin to that deep voice of hers..almost had tears in my eyes. She echoed thru the bottoms..down by the crick, and back up again.
She came home bout 10:30 that sore she couldnt hardly move. This winter, I am havin trouble debatin wether to leave her here er not. She dont need to be runnin..but then again..what good is it when a dog that lives to hunt...caint hunt. I'm sure that she would rather suffer the pain of an old body than suffer the loss of the will to live. Sides..that's what aspirin's fer now aint it?
Sorry..aint mean to ramble..I really wanted to give ya'll an update on them pups. Just like their grandmother..I'm sure they'll do fine..I'm proud of all of em.
I only kept 2 pups from the early spring's batch..both from my 6 yr old Sassy. Ole Scooter, my 13 yr old..had to go last Sat...I couldnt dream of leavin her..even tho i told her " Now you know you need to retire and take it easy." She wouldnt have no parts of it. Bless her heart...
so out we went in the cutover..and lo and behold..that lil male pup "Roscoe" jumped...they all lit in and the chase was on. I was real proud of that youngun. Well...after 5 rounds and 30 mins of hard runnin, the 2 pups came back. I praised em...I aint worried bout em stayin with the pack..yet. They will over time. Pups have a tendacy to run, fergit bout such things as "where's my master?" and then it seems like it hits em like a brick upside the
They are young and will git over that quick when they start runnin new places they aint never been before. They are already usin their noses to backtrack themselves and me iffin they git lost er turned around. (Believe it er not, that's a very important sense a dog needs to have..direction and common sense to find his well as listen to the familiar whoops of my voice...and not the whoop of a stranger)
Well...3 hours later..I got all the dogs back but Scooter and Cheif..and bless her lil ole heart..she was still runnin that rabbit..learnin my veteran dog Cheif how to do it too. That rabbit has been run many times fore..and hes smart..but he couldnt fool rabbit ever could. I was standin on the back deck listenin to that deep voice of hers..almost had tears in my eyes. She echoed thru the bottoms..down by the crick, and back up again.
She came home bout 10:30 that sore she couldnt hardly move. This winter, I am havin trouble debatin wether to leave her here er not. She dont need to be runnin..but then again..what good is it when a dog that lives to hunt...caint hunt. I'm sure that she would rather suffer the pain of an old body than suffer the loss of the will to live. Sides..that's what aspirin's fer now aint it?
Sorry..aint mean to ramble..I really wanted to give ya'll an update on them pups. Just like their grandmother..I'm sure they'll do fine..I'm proud of all of em.