View Full Version : dog training

08-28-2005, 09:10 PM

First off, this is .35 remington, my old screen name was all messed up so I just restarted. Anyways, how do you train a bird hunting dog? I just got a year old golden retriver and I want to start training her.

08-28-2005, 10:54 PM
If you haven't done so already, you need to pick a system and get a book and follow it until you run into a problem.

When you run into a problem that isn't addressed by the book you are using, you can look at other books to see if they hold the answer or you can see if somebody on here knows the answer.

First question, will the dog be used mostly for retrieving (i.e., waterfowl), or will it mostly be used for upland hunting?

The main place to start is with the sit command and the other basic commands. Sit is easy to work with without the use of a book. The Come command can be a little involved, so you might want to follow the instructions in the book.

08-29-2005, 07:55 AM
Books and tapes are good and get with somebody in your area that has worked with dogs and get some close hand advise.
Start off on the basics first and then work into the hunting end of it. The dog has to know when to come ect first.

08-29-2005, 08:07 PM
Two things- one get with some folks who have some experience in training. Your local clubs are good places to find them. Second- get reference material like Fab recommended. The "Ten Minute Retriever" is one of the better books out there.