View Full Version : Anyone shooting a 45 GAP?

Skinny Shooter
08-29-2005, 11:06 AM
Wondering how you like it so far. Had been interested in the Glock 45 GAP but then saw that Springfield came out with the same caliber in the XD.

I still shoot a 1911 and never did get that Springy aways back. I'm planning to trade in my 1991 auto and will get another in a Commander or Gov't style.

The XD Service model in particular has caught my eye.
Model # XD9514 OD Green
Caliber: 45 GAP
Capacity: 9 + 1
Barrel: 4.05"
Size: 27 ozs., 7" overall length

Adam Helmer
08-31-2005, 01:49 PM

I am not familiar with the .45 GAP; how does it improve on the .45 ACP? I carried a Glock 19 from 1989 until 1996 when I retired. I never could warm up to the "plastic" guns.

I guess I am an old timer who prefers old Smith revolvers and Old Colt M1911s. The plastic stuff leaves me cold. Be well.


Skinny Shooter
09-01-2005, 07:55 AM
Hi Adam, both cartridges are about equal. The 45 GAP isn't meant to be an improvement as much as it is to provide another option for CCW.
It was developed to provide 45ACP power in a 9mm/40S&W sized gun for ease of concealability, etc.
I agree about those 1911's, they fit me like a glove. Have owned a Glock 23 and didn't care for it.
The Springy XD points like my 1911 and has a grip safety unlike the Glock which has no mechanical safety to prevent the trigger from being snagged on something and firing the gun.

09-01-2005, 09:45 PM
thought about one about a month back, it was the glock, but hey i love glocks, those springfield folk are all over the glock market arent they, but they are making good stuff. the GAP is the same as the ACP accept it is a few millimeters shorter i believe, as skinny said to allow it to fit guns tailored to 9mm or 40 frames. I was pleasantly suprised to here that the price of target ammo is very competitve and not over board as is the case with most hard to find stuff. I dont believe that they have the clip capacity of a 9 or 40 thought. Im still on the fence considering this caliber

09-05-2005, 05:54 PM
I'm saving for a new carry piece. I was thinking .40, but I don't like their high pressure loads. Then I thought I would get a Springfield 1911 with a 4" barrel. Now I'm split between a 1911 or the XD .45 G.A.P..
I'm abit apprehensive about getting a piece with a new round, that hasn't been proven in the field yet. As KT said.

Skinny Shooter
09-08-2005, 10:23 AM
Greg, think of the GAP round as being a short 45acp. It has the basically the same ballistics as a 45acp.

Just took delivery of a new XD-45 LE yesterday in OD Green. It cost $429.00 and was ordered thru Richland Shooter's Supply.
This pistol looks and handles great. The photo posted up above doesn't do it justice. I've got ammo and targets for a trip to the range this weekend. Unless I get there sooner. :D The anticipation...

Btw, this is the 1911 that's next on the list:
Kimber Desert Warrior http://www.kimberamerica.com/pr.php
I'd probably swap out those stock grips for Gunner grips in a different color.

09-08-2005, 05:30 PM
I went to a gunshop and did some "fondling". The G.A.P. is o.k. From what I read its more accurate than the A.C.P., but it has more pressure. It just isn't impressing enough people, and I fear it may go the way of the Dodo.

Im thinking of either a 1911 Springfield, champ or full size (a beavertail, and new sights added), or the Kimber Pro Carry II.

09-08-2005, 10:19 PM
Everything I've heard about it sounds good enough. Problem is, nobody wants to get stuck with a gun you can't get ammo or parts for because it's been discontinued. But, it'll get discontinued if not enough people buy it. It's a vicious cycle. Wasn't ghe .40 cal out for a while before it caught on?

Skinny Shooter
09-09-2005, 07:28 AM
I checked this gun out at Cabela's and a local gunshop. Both places had to order it due to the demand for that model. So it sounds like Springfield can't get the Croatian manufacturer to crank 'em out fast enough.
Btw, Cabela's was charging $30 more for this model.
I'm not too worried about it catching on. This gun is a lightweight carry gun for me in the summer months with 45acp power. And there's plenty of ammo around for it too.
www.ammoman.com is one place to look but I found ammo locally also.

Skinny Shooter
09-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Hey Greg, friends don't let friends shoot 9's or 40's. LOL

Btw, I didn't create it but thought you might get a laugh. :D
And I didn't add the Remington logo, those makers of crap model 700's. :)

Skinny Shooter
09-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Skinny Shooter
Anyone shooting a 45 GAP?

Finally got to bust some caps earlier this afternoon.
I've gotta say I shot better with this plastic gun than with my old 1911... :eek: :(
Ammo used was a very hot loading (as usual) of American Eagle (Federal) 185gr FMJ, Speer 185gr TMJ, Speer 200gr TMJ and Winchester 230gr FMJ.
The Speer 200 grainers were very accurate. The American Eagle wasn't burning all of it's powder. Fortunately I had safety glasses on. felt like I was shooting a flintlock with the powder hitting me in the face. The other ammo had no unburnt powder issues.

Am very pleased with the results so far. I'll be switching the sights out for tritium sights eventually and may even get a rail light for it for home use.


09-12-2005, 12:17 PM
It's always nice when you buy something and it performs (or exceeds) expectations. Let's see some pics after you get that rail-site light mounted.