View Full Version : Wolvie`s Moving back,.....

08-30-2005, 08:33 AM
I am moving back to Ohio this Saturday.

I have to sale some stuff to be able to make the trip back.
And then when I get there I have to get a job and place to stay.
Then hopefully I can get back into hunting there as well.
Reason why I`m moving back to Ohio is things here in Upstate NY just basically suck,prices are too high on Everything,..and there are no jobs in this area.
Well all , if you don`t see me on HuntChat for awhile thats the reason,...and I am selling my computer, and some other stuff.

Okay all,...
Later and as Always,..........

M.T. Pockets
08-30-2005, 08:42 AM
Good luck to you. I admire a person who has the guts to take charge of their own situation to make it better.

08-30-2005, 08:57 AM
Good luck Wolvie and I hope to see you back on here real soon.

08-30-2005, 10:57 AM
Good luck to you Wolvie and I hope everything works out for you. I'm real sorry to hear about all your problems and hate to see anybody have to sell the things they have worked so hard to get. Take care of yourself and hope to see you on here again real soon.

09-03-2006, 04:29 PM
Ok All,...UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still in Ohio,..and doing alot better then I was in Upstate NY.

I must say I do know my stuff here in Ohio,..I know where to go how to get there and how to go about doing alot of other things.

I will be hunting this year as well.
I just did some awsome trading yesterday and today at the Johnstown Swappers Day.

I traded a Rem Sportsmen 48 ,that was in kinda bad shape,..for a Stevens Bolt action 20ga /W clip.
Today I traded my S&W Model 568 for a Charles Daly 12ga./w vented rib barrel,2 cylinders,gun strap,..and it is camoed out (factory),..Realtree Brown.
I will get some pics of them sometime.
All I gotta do now is get the hunting liecense and deer permits,..and shells and probly some cover scent.

Mostly folks ,..Wolvie is ready to get his freezer filled.

Dove and Squirrel came in Friday (9/1/06),along with some other stuff.
I will be doing the Hunter Ed. thing next year.I really dont have the time to get into it this year,plus I have 4 boys(my sons), that want to go,..so I have to teach them,..and so forth.
I have a decent job and my girlfriend ended up moving here with me about a month after I moved here ,she is still here...so far LOLOL!
Okay ,...
I thought I would update ya all,..and I want to say as always,....



09-04-2006, 07:40 AM
Yea, you better get hunting. I am haeded out for squirrel here in a little bit, want to give my 5yr. old granddaughter a chance to wake up and the woods a chance to dry. This will be my first time out fro squirrel this year, but I have got 5 geese so far.

09-04-2006, 08:23 AM
Glad things are looking up....best of luck and love in everything guy,

09-04-2006, 08:51 AM
As for squirrel hunting,...
I usually wait on the worbles to get off the little guys.
And I prefer to hunt squirrels while the ground is wet or moist,
Due to it helping me be more quieter in the woods.

I listen for the barks,..and head my way to them,...

I usually fair better doing it this way.
I had a squirrel once,....that was on the move,..and barking his rear off,...it took me amost an hour to zero in on him,...and it ended up being 3 squirrels,...2 greys and one fox squirrel,..I shot up into the tree,...and 1 fell out,...then another,..then the 3rd one fell still kicking a little.
It was a most productive day i must say lolol !
But I am scouting my deer hunting areas and my small game areas.
Its going to be a good year by what I am seeing in the woods now ,..OH HECK YES !!!!

Ok All,.Later

