View Full Version : What's this boxer good for?

model 70
08-30-2005, 06:22 PM
Well, aside from being loyal and affectionate, do boxers hold any value in the field? First dog I've had that actually listens to me(oh man, the monstrosity of a cocker spaniel we had is another story all together).

08-31-2005, 06:50 AM
All dogs have a hunting ability although some are very remote and limited . Give it a try as I have seen some pretty strange combinations in the field.

Andy L
08-31-2005, 07:05 AM
I would be willing to bet, if the dogs got any sense, you could teach it to toll coyotes.

Break it to a shock collar. Get it to where when it hears the tone, it will come back to you. No matter what.

Then take it coyote calling. It will see or hear the coyote coming long before you do. (if you have called much, you will be surprised at how many coyotes come in you never know). When it alerts you, and after it figgers out the game, it should go out to the coyote. Now, this coyotes lookin for a free meal and seein a dog is natural. Ole coyote thinks that dog crippled that rabbit and all hes gotta do is get it away from him. They will start a little dance, normally the coyote wont fight the dog right off. Then hit your tone and the dog will come runnin back with coyote in tow. Usually, the coyote will have all attention on the dog and you can choose what shot you want.

Its a fun game, adds to the calling stand, adds coyotes and most dogs that have any sense and will listen can be trained. Most of the training is the coming to the tone. Even if the dog dont care about the coyote to go dance with it, it will go out and mess around and will see it coming before you. You can watch the dogs reactions and see when its close enough to tone it back and the coyote will follow.


model 70
08-31-2005, 09:21 AM
that brings up a good point. when i give my predator call a blow at home, both boxers i have go crazy. they start barking and lunging at my face since that's where the call is. they don't mean me no harm, i know that for sure. they really do hate the sound the call makes. came home one day and found what they did to my circe rabbit in distress call. killed it.

08-31-2005, 10:25 PM
Just be very careful on that one that your dog is under control as those yotes will lure a dog off and the pack will kill it in short order.

model 70
08-31-2005, 10:46 PM
That's something to think about. Leaves an un easy feeling in my gut. Hell, I'd have to exact my revenge upon every yote I see for the rest of my life:p

08-31-2005, 11:41 PM
kurt has a valid point. i once read somewhere that when the world ends there will be two creatures left.

coyotes and cockroaches. i'll bet mosquitoes might be in that mix also.

09-02-2005, 06:26 AM
The other thing they used to use em fer way back in the day, was fer hog huntin. I dont know how good they woulda been at it..since I dont think they're all that mean?
Talkin bout game killin dogs..ya know..a smart ole coon will try to kill em too. I've seen coon cross a high runnin river 10 times tryin to drown the dog. He would sit low in a tree so the dog would surley smell him..wait fer him to cross, then jump the river again.
Our old coon hounds got sick of that..and we did too. A 22 bullet to the head fixed that pradicament real quick like.
To add to what Billy said...another animal I think would survive anythin is a derned ole tick.

Andy L
09-03-2005, 02:12 PM
Thats why I asked if the dog has good sense. Teach them to come to the tone and they will learn the game quickly. They will love that game of messin with the coyote and bring it back and dad will shoot it and we can all wool it.

If your dogs got good sense, they will not let themselves get into the position of being killed by the pack. Remember, the coyotes coming to the sound of the free meal. The dog is more of a decoy than anything that can be controlled to come back to you with the collar. The coyotes not looking to kill your dog, just get the meal away from him. During this process, if your paying attention, you should have ample shots to kill that coyote.

After your dog learns a bit, he will come back without the tone as soon as he gets the coyote on the hook.

Whatever you think. Its a fun game though.


09-06-2005, 11:05 AM
you might be able to make a catchdog out of him. the aussies seem to like them for making crossbred hog dogs. either way they have weak mouths & after 3-4 yrs will be gumming their food.
before you get into anything that may involve a lot of running look at his structure to make sure he is upto the task. if he is very undershot like a giant pug (show lines) then excessive heat & running can be deadly. OTH if he has the old working muzzle then he should be able to go for hours. also the breed has some issues w/ hip dysplasia & ACL which can be aggravated by too much excercise. so you will have to keep a close eye as you work him & be ready to provide first aid for overheating & exhaustion.

rick savage
02-05-2006, 07:49 PM
we had a half boxer half plott that made a great hog dog, lived to be 12 years old. real good nose and good grit.