View Full Version : WOT did he say?

Adam Helmer
09-02-2005, 03:19 PM
WOT stands for Women On Target. On September 10, 2005 I will be a volunteer, again, on the blackpowder station at my nearby club. Last year we had about 30 women come by and try trap, .22 rifles, archery and blackpowder.

It seems many men who hunt and target shoot do not include their spouses or significant others. Every year we have curious and interested women come to the club for a day of firearms orientation. A good percentage join the club, buy guns and take up various firearms sports. I assume they also cast their votes for more gun sports at the ballot box.

With gas prices being gouged through the roof and no relief from our inert government, we all will look to do more things closer to home. I hope that includes sharing out expertise with kids, women and men who want to learn to shoot. Happy Labor Day.
