View Full Version : Ruger Bearcat

model 70
09-03-2005, 06:38 PM
Anyone have one or shoot one? Price seems right. Looks like it would be just the ticket for bushytails and rabbits.

My love of handguns is growing faster than my love of rifles.

This could get serious:cool:

09-04-2005, 07:57 AM
I have a very old one and I really like it. Even though I have large hands I can shoot it well. Light and small, easy to carr. Goes on most of my hunts in a flap holster. I found that Aquilla 60gr. sub sonics are very accurate at 15 yards and that is what I carry in it. Just the ticket for squirrels and sitting bunnies.

Rocky Raab
09-04-2005, 09:21 AM
I own two of them. Well, I doubt I'll ever get back the one my younger daughter shot once. She smiled and that's the last I saw of it LOL!

I carry mine as a trail gun for most of my close-to-town hikes and often on predator hunts as a camp meat gun. Mine likes those cheap WW bulk pack hollowpoints as well as CCI SGBs. I load up with the appropriate one and never notice the small, lightweight thing after that.

09-05-2005, 07:36 AM
I shot the old mod. years ago and have wanted one ever since. I prefer larger framed gun for carry because I feel I can shoot them better, but the one I shot was very accurate for such a small gun.

11-07-2005, 11:51 AM
Mdl 70,

I have never regretted buying a Bearcat, from the 1st to the last, they are just a pleasure. I have owned many of the little revolvers.

It is my #1 teaching aid for first time revolver shooters. It has just a wee bit of recoil due to its lightweight, but is surprisingly accurate. Ladies and kids just simply love to learn how to shoot with one. Normally it is the first gun they have ever had in their hand that actually fits them.

The stainless gun might just be the finest idea that anyone has ever had for a 22 revolver. The Bearcat is little; light, handy, and accurate. In a hip holster you simply forget the gun is there.

11-15-2005, 02:40 PM
I bought an old model Bearcat with the brass trigger guard for my wife as a Christmas present (always buy your wife a gun:D ) She loves it (damn). Guess I'll have to buy another for myself.