View Full Version : Changing Ammo/poa

09-04-2005, 07:09 PM
I bought some Speer 270 SP for my .44 mag revolver for a bear hunt next week. Sighting it in I'm shootin about six inches high @ 50yds. All my 240 grain ammo is dead on. I've never had that much of a difference with changes loads for rifle or pistol before. I have to go back with another box this week and see how it is under 50yds. I hate to move my sights for one hunt. Anyone else had this much of a difference with ammo?

09-05-2005, 07:32 AM
It is very commom to have a large difference in elevation from one load to another. When going from my plinking ammo in my Ruger Super Balck Hawk my point of impact will go up over 1 ft. Doing the same thing with the same ammo in my El Dorado the point of impact will go down close to 1 ft. Velosity, barrel lenth and recoil all seem to have an effect on where the bullets will print.

Rocky Raab
09-05-2005, 09:08 AM
In handguns, the heavier the bullet and/or the heavier the recoil, the higher a bullet will hit.

It's a simple matter of gun movement. A handgun will begin to lift and rotate in the hand before the bullet clears the barrel; so a bullet that's in the barrel longer will exit when the barrel is pointing higher. Simple.

Sight in for the ammo you'll hunt with.

09-05-2005, 05:55 PM
I'll have the tinker with the elevation. Thanks for the info.