Andy L
09-06-2005, 07:31 PM
Can you believe this CRAP? What else will they blame Bush for?
Los Angeles — New observations by the international Cassini spacecraft reveal that Saturn's trademark shimmering rings, which have dazzled astronomers since Galileo's time, have dramatically changed over just the past 25 years.
Among the most surprising findings is that parts of Saturn's innermost ring — the D ring — have grown dimmer since the Voyager spacecraft flew by the planet in 1981, and a piece of the D ring has moved 200 kilometres inward toward Saturn.
While scientists puzzle over what caused the changes, their observations could reveal something about the age and lifetime of the rings.
Cassini-related discoveries were discussed Monday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's division of planetary sciences in Cambridge, England.
“I don't think Saturn's rings will disappear any time soon, but this tells us how the environmental effects are evolving and how long they might last, “deputy project scientist Linda Spilker said in a telephone interview from England.
Senator Edward Kennedy said: "The increasing frequency of these natural events can only be explained through global warming which is caused by the United States under the leadership of George W. Bush, who's failure to pass the Kyoto Protocol is endangering our children."
"The Bush government rejects international climate protection goals by insisting that imposing them would negatively impact the American economy," he said.
"The American president is closing his eyes to the economic and human costs his land and the world economy are suffering under natural catastrophes like Saturn’s Rings, and because of neglected environmental policies."
Scientists are interested in Saturn's rings because they are a model of the disk of gas and dust that initially surrounded the sun. Studying them could yield important clues about how the planets formed from that disc 4.5 billion years ago.
The ring observations were made this summer. The $3.3-billion (U.S.) Cassini mission, funded by NASA and the European and Italian space agencies, was launched in 1997. Cassini is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
Liberals are nuts, Im now convinced.
Los Angeles — New observations by the international Cassini spacecraft reveal that Saturn's trademark shimmering rings, which have dazzled astronomers since Galileo's time, have dramatically changed over just the past 25 years.
Among the most surprising findings is that parts of Saturn's innermost ring — the D ring — have grown dimmer since the Voyager spacecraft flew by the planet in 1981, and a piece of the D ring has moved 200 kilometres inward toward Saturn.
While scientists puzzle over what caused the changes, their observations could reveal something about the age and lifetime of the rings.
Cassini-related discoveries were discussed Monday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's division of planetary sciences in Cambridge, England.
“I don't think Saturn's rings will disappear any time soon, but this tells us how the environmental effects are evolving and how long they might last, “deputy project scientist Linda Spilker said in a telephone interview from England.
Senator Edward Kennedy said: "The increasing frequency of these natural events can only be explained through global warming which is caused by the United States under the leadership of George W. Bush, who's failure to pass the Kyoto Protocol is endangering our children."
"The Bush government rejects international climate protection goals by insisting that imposing them would negatively impact the American economy," he said.
"The American president is closing his eyes to the economic and human costs his land and the world economy are suffering under natural catastrophes like Saturn’s Rings, and because of neglected environmental policies."
Scientists are interested in Saturn's rings because they are a model of the disk of gas and dust that initially surrounded the sun. Studying them could yield important clues about how the planets formed from that disc 4.5 billion years ago.
The ring observations were made this summer. The $3.3-billion (U.S.) Cassini mission, funded by NASA and the European and Italian space agencies, was launched in 1997. Cassini is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
Liberals are nuts, Im now convinced.