View Full Version : setting up my reloading bench

09-06-2005, 07:19 PM
just picked up free RCBS press, the bigger one. i knew the guys i used to work for had one laing out behind theyre lumber yard so i went and stole it today, yeah i told them i was stealing it.

i broke the last rcbs becyae i wasnt useing enough case lube, okay i wasnt useing any case lube at the time. lesson learned. ;)

im off to get to cutn and set up my reloading bench. building from scratch. i left the last reloading bench in the other house bacause it was kinda built into the wall. this one will be free standing but beefy. all 2x4 construction.

then maybe tonight i can get some loading done. ive got some 75gr seiras to try in the 2506 75vmax and i need another stash of 100gr nolser balistic tips loaded up for this comeing deer season.

just tonight i rounded up all my powders and bullets. and ive got quite the stash of 224 and 25 bullets and a few 140gr 277 bts left. bout 4 difrent powders aswell. powder keeps appearing from every corner of my the closet and out in the shed. hmmmmm i should keep better track of that stuff. one powder i didnt find is my h414 i bought this to try in my old 220 and was pretty stoked that i had now that i have a 220 again, gr darnet ohhwell.


09-06-2005, 10:22 PM
Beefy????????? mine has 4 x 6 legs and a 1 1/2 in top on it. It`s 8 ft long with shelves above and below. Sounds like your is a light weight. :D :D about time you got started loading your own again.

09-06-2005, 10:54 PM
Ok.. I know mine might not be as heavy as Catfish's, but it serves my purpose. The top is 1 1/2" thick MDF (cut a sheet in half and screwed it togeter with 1" deck screws @ 4"o.c.) it probably weighs around 75-100lbs itself (it was darn heavy when I carried it down the stairs)

The frame is 2X4 construction with each corner built as a 'L'.

When I moved it in to this room I added the centre shelf, and there is room below that for another one. There are plans for a roll out shelf to hold the loading blocks while loading.

09-06-2005, 10:57 PM
yeah i guess its time to brew my own again.

bench ended up being 4 foot by three. had just enough 2x4s to california corner the the legs, and brace it good. aswell as use the 2x4 bench surface. i routerd all the edges and did some scroll work to.

the onlything im issing from the free press is the primer handle. grrrrr went to walmart and they had one but low and behold mines one of two the handle doesnt work with. ive got the rcII press.

i did pick up some more imr 4350 and 165gr nolser balistic tips for the 3006. i wanna see how they fly. and ive heard 4350 is the sh!t in the 3006.

then next to me ive got outers foameing bore cleaner doing its magic in my 2506 and 3006 bore.

then next in line the 270 and 22/250, i bet the little 250 realy shotguns em with no copper in the bore

almost forgot the 220. it probly doesnt need but what the heck.

foam still isnt turning blue, i guess its suposed to when the copper is all dissovled.

what all have you been loading. hows the 204 workin out.?


09-07-2005, 07:27 AM
I used 4X4's and 3/4" plywood for a heavy bench. I reload for a lot of magnum calibers and was getting tired of lifting the bench when resizing.


I went a little overboard on paint and stain!


09-07-2005, 10:18 PM
thats how mine is, 2x4s in a L for the legs 2x4 from and 2x4 lid. not that its done i decided to go around the corner. to give me some more shelf area and stentght. used 3" deck screws tyhrough outy trhe build.

thinking asbout scrounging up a some hinges and makn a a few slidling drawers underneath.

09-20-2005, 11:40 PM
well picked up spme more stuff this evening.

had to drive a 100 mile round trip in the mustang to do it, lol a mustang reloading parts geter.


picked up 220 rcb dies.
rcb scale
rcbs hand primer deal(should speed things up a tad) ;)

sitn here now tryn to figure out how this hand primer thing works. it holds a box of primers so keeps me off the press as much as possible and i hope makes things go faster

did some loading for my 220 at freinds house the other day, worked a few loads in imr 4064 that didnt turn anywhere near the acuracy as hornady factorys. so im dumping 4064.

h414 and 4831 are the next hot ticket to try.

and im not postitive yet but i think shes likn 60gr bullets quite abit.
