View Full Version : Opinions On "Hunters Friend"

09-08-2005, 12:23 PM
Hey Folks,

I am considering more and more the procurement of a back-up bow after arriving to my hunting site one cold morning last Fall and upon opening my bowcase, discovering one of my cam modules laying at the bottom of the case with no cam screw to be found.

I meticulously check my limbs, wax my string, and hand-tighten each and every hex bolt on my set-up about every-other time out. In addition, I do keep some spare parts in a plastic tote box in my truck. Unfortunately, even my pro shop didn't have this particular size captivated hex screw for my cam so I had to order some.

I'm considering a bow package set-up at www.huntersfriend.com was wondering if anyone here at HC has had any experience with this company. Their website looks pretty thorough and their prices competative with proshops around my neck of the woods.

Thanks in advance for your replies!