View Full Version : new polaris ranger 700 efi

09-09-2005, 02:33 PM
i know a guy who just got a new ranger with the 700 efi motor.

he has the nice cab on it and all. let me tell you i drove this thing in sand and up steep hills, and over stumps. this is one nice unit!!

he has really put it thru the paces to see what it is capable of and he has loved it. only prob is with the cab and all i think hes got over $12500 in it. so it darn well better be a great machine.

09-20-2005, 03:54 PM
I have a couple of them, one is a 500 model and the other is the 700 EFI EP version. Both are good machines and real work horses. After using them I have little need for my 2 sportsman ATV's, they just sit there gathering dust.

Life is good, Give God the Glory......doubleA

Here's a pic, top 500cc and the 700 is on the bottom.....


09-29-2005, 09:06 PM
I am currious about the Ranger. I am interested in getting something like that to use for predator huning and general running round town. I understand they are great off road but what about in town? What kind of mileage does it get. How does it handle on paved streets. What kind of street speed does it have? Would the tires need to be changed for street use? General questions like that.