View Full Version : 527 CZ in .204

09-15-2005, 08:02 PM
I`ve heard so much good and no bad about the CZ`s that I had to get one. I picked up one on the 13 th of this month, the day befor yeasterday. The wood is nothing fancy at all, but the fit and finish is first class. It has a set trigger, but not impressed by it or the trigger pull even after I spent so time getting it adjusted. It has the pincle barrle and was bought for a carry gun. It fired a .980 3 shot group with Hornady facory ammo and the smallest 5 shot group I got from it the first nite out with WC 844 and WC 846 powders were around 1 moa. Did notice that it was much easier to clean than any new rifle I ever owned, and better than alot of them that I fire lapped.
Took it out again tonite with AA 2230-c powder and 32 gn. bullets from Hornady and Serria. Not alot of difference in group size from slow to fast with the Hornady`s, mostly just below 1 moa. With the Serria`s The groups seemed to get better as I pushed they faster. The last group, which was .5 gn. over manufactures recomandation but showing no signs of presure, was .645 with the first 4 shots at .190. I dropped the last shot out of the group. :rolleyes:
I haven`t tried 40 gn. bullet with the 2230-c powder yet, but that will be next. I also might add that the cases I was useing were formed from .222 Rem. mag. cases and had necks turned for .002 expantion. I have got some .204 cases now but have not loaded any of them yet.
I guess all of the good things I`ve heard abt. the CZ`s is true. I`ll report back with how it shots heaver bulles.

09-25-2005, 08:01 PM
I got her out Fri. nite and played with some heaver bullets. I started at the bottom and worked to book max. with the 39gn. Serrias and the 40 gn. Hornady`s and Bergers. It doesn`t like the heaver bullets as well, but I only had 1 5 shot group over 1 moa with the Serrias and that was just barrely over. The bergers and the Hornadys was another story. I only had 1 group under 1 moa with the Bergers and none with the Hornady. They grouped from abt 1.4 to 1.8 most of the time. I did use new Win. brass for these loads and had 3 case necks out of the 15 cases I started with split within the first 3 times loaded, going to e-mail Win. abt this and see what they have to say abt. that. If I get around to more trails I`ll post them. Has anuone else been playing with the .204 and what are you getting? I may try to run them over the cronograph if I get to it I post velosities.

Andy L
09-28-2005, 06:46 PM
Ill let you know soon. I got a CZ 527 American in 204 waiting for me. Its been at the store for a month now, paid for. Just havent had time to pick it up. Maybe tomorrow. I cant wait to get with it.

A friend that has the same gun was doing well with Hornady 32gr VMax. I ordered 100 rounds for it so I could make some brass.

Cant wait to get her going. Calling time is almost here. I wanna test it as for being fur friendly.


09-29-2005, 05:04 PM
I got Win. brass from Mid-Way for $12.45/100 I think it was. BUT as I said I got 3 split cases out of 15 in the first 3 loadings. Ican`t find an e-mail ad for Win. and will snail mail them abt it if I don`t find an e-mail ad soon. 204 brass is available now several places, but to tell the truth I like what I formed from Rem. 222 mag. brass better than the factory I`ve got.

10-11-2005, 10:20 AM
Shot my first groundhog with the .204 yesterday, useing the 32 gn. Serria bullets, not sure how fast, but at 165 yrds. I got no exit wound on a big sow. She just fell over. I think I`m in love.

11-06-2005, 12:41 PM
My CZ is custom barrelled by Pac Nor with a 3 groove 12 twist..loves the 40 berger...this is a coyote killing machine. Since yours does not like the heavier bullets, you might try the 35 berger as a compromise...try also WW 748 and especially RL-10 as this is very accurate in many guns.. My stock HB CZ in .204 got lent to a friend, it shot everything around .75 moa...didn't get the rifle back, just a check..

02-22-2007, 06:04 PM
I realize this thread is about the CZ 527 .204 Ruger, however - I'm currently wrestling with whether to get a .204 or a .223 in the walnut stocked varmint rifle. I have .223 dies, brass and bullets from a previous rifle.

More often than not - it's breezy around my farm, so how does the .204 react to lighter winds ?

Regards, Vic

Rocky Raab
02-22-2007, 06:22 PM
First, welcome aboard, Vic!

I'm a .223 kind of guy myself. From what I hear, you gain a little in flatness with the .204 but you lose a bit in wind deflection.

So it's about sixes.

Certainly there are a LOT more bullets, sources for brass and kinds of loaded ammo for the .223. I don't think there is a better farm gun than a .223.

02-22-2007, 06:59 PM
Hello Rocky....you and I have been chatting over on the "shooters forum" lately about wildcats as I have been kicking around a short action varmint caliber ( dual purpose ). I don't want to be rude on this thread and go off on this other tangent, but I'd like to con't our conversation from before. I've been thinking about another .223 and possibly a .204 as they're quite economical to load & shoot as well as accurate.

I've been somewhat torn which way to go and yesterday I was in a gun shop where I had an opprtunity to handle a CZ Varmint and a CZ American and are they ever nice rifles. I believe this is the way I will go. I like the detachable magazine as I can keep the rifle near the door with the magazine set up high and the bolt open - at ready for a quick shot if one presents itself.

My optics aren't the best, but adequate for now.

Regards, Vic

Rocky Raab
02-23-2007, 08:09 AM
To make a varmint kind of pun...

Gopher it!

Andy L
02-23-2007, 09:54 AM
I have two CZs at the moment and plans for more. One is a 527 American in 204 and its a sweet rifle to say the least. One of my favorites, no doubt. Big Green never made a rifle that would hold a candle.

Goferit. :cool:

02-23-2007, 04:26 PM
I've reading around this forum a little as I'm kinda new here and I see that "sub-calibers" is for discussing cartridges under .224. So - where do yoos discuss .224 + calibers ?

Anyway - regarding the CZ 527 .204, the "527 American" and the "527 Varmint".........is there much difference in weight between them ? The Varmint appears to have a slightly heavier barrel.

Does the lighter CZ American shoot as well ? I'm looking for a "carry" rifle like a number of others on this thread. For those of you with the CZ American - do you have the walnut stock or one of the laminant stocks ?

Regards, Vic

02-24-2007, 04:41 AM
As for the .204 or .223 question this is my take on it. If you load your own no differance there, if not the .223 for sure. The .204 has the advantage of shooting alittle faltter and I prefer it for animals upto groundhog size. For coycote and up I think that the heaver lead of the .22 cal, bullets is better. If you shoot the 40 gr. Hornady in the .204 there`s not much difference ion coyote, but my gun don`t like the Hornady 40 gr. bullets. Today I`ll be takeing an AR out after coyote. We run them with dogs so there is no standing shots and I`ll be throughing alot of 50 gr. Serria Blitz bullets at one if I get the chance. This bullet is reall to lite to do a good job on coyote, but if I can get one or 2 in him the dogs can do the rest. ;) Around where I live i like to shoot bullets that WILL NOT richochet.

Andy L
02-24-2007, 07:57 AM
To answer your question, the American is probably better for a walking around gun. The bbl is shorter and lighter, much faster handling and a joy to carry. I dont think theres enough difference in the way they shoot to cause you any concern.

And on coyotes, the 204 does just fine in most instances. 35gr Berger bullets, if you handload, are the ticket. If you buy factory, 40gr VMax does fine. May not shoot as tiny of a group but will hold minute of coyote way on out there.

Especially if you use some sense and dont spray and pray at runnin coyotes like the road hunters, excuse me, hound runners do. Put one in the bread basket and its over.

Good luck. :cool: