View Full Version : Springfield G.I., an affordable 1911
09-15-2005, 10:04 PM
A few days ago I got a new toy. I always wanted a 1911 ever since I was very young. I just couldnt force myself to spend $1000 or so Bucks, for a relyable one.
I now have another favorite arms manufacture, Springfield. This classic G.I. modle only cost me $500! It even has a limmited lifetime warenty.
Today, I finaly got a chance to go to the range, and shot only a box. The only problems I have so far is, it doesnt feed on the last shot or two. Im hoping that it just needs to be broken in. Pluse the spent cases, are dented. I was told that the denting is normal. Due to it not having a lowered ejection port. I hope to do some more breakin in tomorow, or Sunday.
09-15-2005, 10:45 PM
Springy's are da bomb ain't they? :D Go shoot the bajeezuz out of it and it will loosen up. If you end up needing extra mags, the Chip McCormick's are really good. You can buy them cheap at or a direct link to MAGAZINES (
I've had a couple "loaded" Springy's but I'm down to a real nice Trophy Match in my 1911 inventory. I doubt I'll ever part with it. ;) Maybe I should have a MilSpec! My dealer has one....I better go look at it tomorrow!
09-16-2005, 05:45 AM
I've had a couple "loaded" Springy's but I'm down to a real nice Trophy Match in my 1911 inventory. I doubt I'll ever part with it. Maybe I should have a MilSpec! My dealer has one....I better go look at it tomorrow!
Oh my god. It really is true 1911 are more addictive than crack, tattoos, and potato chips. You cant stop with just one!:eek:
My grandpa said it best. when I told him about my new toy. "The prom is much better, when you take a thin girl....Aint it?";)
Its true. This gun has a larger frame, and heavier than a "Block", but I think conceal carry with a 1911 will be easier. Due to it being thin.
Pluse, I am more accurate with it, and the grip is way more eronomical for me.
model 70
09-19-2005, 11:02 PM
**** that very same gun tonight. it's a dream. gotta get one next...well, AFTER the .44mag i want, lol.
09-21-2005, 06:24 AM
Thats funny, I want to get a .44 next.
Mr. 16 gauge
09-28-2005, 07:48 PM
I bought one of those a few years ago, except mine is in .38 Super chambering. I always wanted a Super, and this gun's price was right! I dressed it up a bit with some faux ivory (i.e. white plastic) grips, and it looks quite sharp! Have fired a ton of factory and handloaded ammo through it, and haven't had a hiccup yet. I bought some spare (Megcar) magazines for it, and they have worked just fine.
09-29-2005, 05:13 PM
I`m a wheel gun fan and do`nt have alot of use for semi-autos, but there is one .45 that I want real bad. A good friend of mine owns it and he carried it in China during WW11 when he was a spy there. It still looks abt new. Not being to smart I would fire it if I can get it, but I really don`t want it for a colectors gun, I want it because of the guy that carried it.
09-29-2005, 05:36 PM
I love 1911s. At last count(but who's counting) i had 9 of them. One was made in 1918, a 1935 Navy marked gun, a WWII gun mismatched with an Ithaca Slide, a post war gun with a 22 conversion from Colt, a National match gun from 1958(bought from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago mail order), Series 70 gun that has been accurized, a series 70 officers model and a series 80 Colt as well as 1 of the Springfield guns...oh and an Auto Ordnance made gun..Loose as a goose but that sucker shoots pretty darn good...oh darn...that makes 10...Better not tell momma bout all them I guess:D
Gil Martin
09-29-2005, 06:25 PM
I have a few 1911A1s, Springfields and Series 70 Colt Government Models and Commanders. They are classic guns. All the best...
10-02-2005, 03:11 AM
Ive been real buisy at work recently, and havent had time to break it in. I bought a Chip MiCormic 10rd mag that jamed even worse than my factory mag. After doing some reserch, I think the problem might not be the mags at all, but the extractor. Im thinking the tension is too tight.
Tomorow or Monday Im sending it to a smith. Im probably geting night sights put on it also, as well as my Glock 19. I dont think Im going to have anythig else done to it.
10-02-2005, 12:56 PM
A few years back I picked up a Springfield 1911-A1 from Picketts out in Newberry. I had some feed problems but they smoothed out as I shot the gun more.
I took it down to Wizards in Ocala, and had some things done. Lowered the ejection port, beveled the mag well, changed out the springs, added an ambi safety, installed Trijicon adjustable sights, and had the front of the grip stippled.
Darn thing shoots like a custom gun. Accurate, reliable, and fun.
I use Chip McCormick's 8 round shooting stars, with zero problems.
10-02-2005, 03:44 PM
I had some feed problems but they smoothed out as I shot the gun more. Hmm... Mabe I should have fired afew more rounds? I just droped my 1911 off at Picketts, this morning.
The smith told me that there is a two week wait. So I have time to get it back, before I waist money. Although I dont think they wold fix anything that isnt broken, ...I hope
Im still trying to decide if I want to get night sights, or not. The old school sights isnt a problem for me. Its just that they would be worthless in low light conditions. Although night sights have much larger posts, wich is a pain when trying to shoot at paper targets. Pluse it would cost alot to have them installed. (this is what the smith told me)
Atleast I have time to make up my mind.
P.S. Newberry is a heck of a long drive from Miami. What made you decide to go across the state? Do you hunt up here?
10-16-2005, 10:23 PM
I just got my 1911 back yesterday.
When I first went to the range a month ago. The last two rounds would only feed halfway into the chamber. I sent it to a gunsmith (Pickets in Newbury) to get the tension on my extractor adjusted. I received it yesterday. The smith tuned the extractor, and polished the chamber. He told me that he fired two clips with 2 different types of ammo, and had no problems. He also told me that the spring is abit heavy, and that the factory mag did not pop out after the he fired the full clips. He didn't have any 7 or 8 round Wilson, or chip McCormic mags in stock yet. But I would just have to pull the mag out of the well after shooting the factory mag.
Today I went to the range with 150rds of ammo, and spent them all. Just about every time I fired a mag. The last round would only feed half way into the chamber. I could pop out the mag normally, and the slide stop engaged, when the half way cartridge was extracted. I then reinserted the last cartridge into the empty mag to fire it. After the final round was fired, the mag would not come out of the well unless I locked the slide stop into place, and pushed the mag out through the chamber while holding the mag release button.
The 10rd still only feeds halfway into the chamber, just like it did last month.
What do you think the problem is? Is the extractor tension still to tight(or loose)? The spring to heavy? Or that I need to try a new mag? Because I sure don't know...:confused:
Take a close look at the relationship between the slide stop and the magazine- I wonder if you have some binding there.
My 1911 isn't a Springfield, but Chip McCormick mags always bind on the slide stop on my pistol. If I take a file to the magazine and cut the slide stop opening on the magazine back a bit, they work perfectly.
If you have the slide stop binding on the magazine, that would keep it from falling free also. Of course, trying another brand of magazine might be worth a try, too.
Wilson and Brown are 2 brands of magazine that work fine in my gun- and so do the McCormicks once I tune them with a file.
10-17-2005, 12:28 PM
Congrat on the new 1911 gregarat! I picked up a Springfield A1 'Loaded' package a couple of years ago after comparing different makes and models. I still think that it's one of the best values out there.
Boy, I feel quite fortunate as my factory clips have fed reliably from day one and have had clear extractions and clearing of ejected casings.
I found that my gun also 'broke in' well after repeated trips to the range. Good luck and enjoy!;)
10-17-2005, 12:42 PM
Thanks Jack. Ill try that, after I get Wilson mags. Pulse I'm calling the smith, he guaranteed his work
Steve, Most people do have great luck with their Springfield's. I think mine is rare case.
10-17-2005, 12:54 PM
Fail to consistanly feed the last round is almost always going to be the mag (If it happened on more than the last one or two it could be limp wrist or low power loads). You wont have that problem with 8 round Wilson's. As for denting the brass welcome to the world of the milspec. Basically you will notice that the back side of your ejection port (IE Outside of firearm, side of the slide, towards the hammer not the uzzle) is not beveled. Neither is mine. Dents galore, but my milspec never fails to feed or fire.
Milspec 1911's in particular are an addiction for me. . . . . never get enough. . . .
10-17-2005, 01:17 PM
I just got off the phone with the smith. He said that it was indeed the factory Mag's lip going over the slide stop. He said that filing the lip wont help at all, but to get a better mag when he restocks this Thursday.
10-17-2005, 05:08 PM
what typ of rounds are you youseing hard balls or lead or hallow point my wifes 1911 like hard balls you might also want to try a different clip.
10-17-2005, 07:13 PM
230gr. hardball. The brands are PMC, and cheap CCI Blazers. Im hoping its just the clip, I want to use hollow for protection. I plan on getting Wilson 47D mags Thursday when my Dealer/smith restocks. Im also going to see if he has any 16lb. springs. Im just getting the spring for good measures. I doubt I need it, I dont limpwrist, or use a bad grip.
10-18-2005, 08:24 AM
WHoops hold the phone! Try those hps before you use them. My milspec hates ALL hps except the 230gr golden saber bullet from remington (which I have to get handloaded I can't find anywhere else)
10-19-2005, 03:47 AM
I will keep that in mind. But I will try some after I can get ball to work reliably. Im sure you know, every specific firearm has its likes, and dislikes when it comes to ammo. I hear of manny G.I. mods that can use FMJ (I did alot of reserch before I bought)
Even if HPs arent for my G.I.. The gunsmith I go to, can do ramp jobs that will feed even empty casings.
10-19-2005, 10:19 AM
cool beans man. Just so long as ya get it to feedin them BEFORE ya need it not after. . . . knowwhatImean? :D
10-19-2005, 03:02 PM
Heck ya man! I kinda figured thats what you meant when you said Try those hps before you use them. In your first post about HPs.;)
10-20-2005, 04:55 AM
Theres a "bump" I think its the disconector that keeps the slide from closing smothly. Could this contribute to Feeding, and extracting problems?
10-20-2005, 08:21 AM
That is the disconnector, and yes that is normal, and no it should not affect feeding or jamming.
10-20-2005, 12:21 PM
O.k. I was just checking. I was kinda thinking it was a dumb question, but these problembs Ive been geting is makin me parinoid. Its actualy ticking me off. Somethings telling me that it isnt over with eather.
I feel like puting a picture of Ed Browning on my dart board, and keep wondering if I shoulda just went with Glock or Springy XD .45 oreven the funky new G.A.P. It will be better once I get this sucker working.
Like they say... everyone gets what they want, and my wish was a 1911. Guess now Im paying for it.
10-20-2005, 07:41 PM
have you tried a new clip yet
10-21-2005, 03:02 AM
Today I got myself a Wilson mag, and a boxes of Blazer ammo, then went to the range.
At first the last round wasn't seating into the battery. I only needed to push a little on the back of the slide to get it to feed. I think its just break-in issues? The last 4 mags fed smoothly for the most part! Except on the 2nd to last mag, where it had the same seating issue as how I described earlier in this thread. I still assume its just break-in "burps"?
Hopefully this gun is now fixed. Now I just have to finish breaking her in, then try HP ammo (Ill just get a ramp job done if it doesn't like HP rounds as is), then finally night sights.
Thanks to all of you that helped me with this gun!:)
10-24-2005, 10:44 PM
Im up to around 400rds. fired total. The gun is still giving me trouble feeding the last round into the battery.
Today I went to my smith again. He says that the recoil spring feels light, and replaced it with a 18.5Lb Wolff recoil spring. He fired a single round Twice, then shot a full mag without problems.
I kinda felt a bit uncomfortable, having a 18.5 Wolff recoil spring when the gun comes standard with a 16Lb spring. So I did some internet research. On 1911forum people say that Springfield Recoil springs with yellow paint on the end is in the 14Lb range. Guess what my Springfield recoil spring has on the end... Im first going to call customer support, and try to speak with a smith instead a normal phone operator, and find out what the truth is. If I cant get anywhere with them Im going back to the smith to try to exchange the 18.5Lb spring with a 16Lb Wolff one. f that doesn't solve anything Im going to send the thing back to Springfield. This is really ticking me off! :mad:
Does any other Springfield G.I. owners have yellow paint on the end of their recoil spring?
10-25-2005, 01:48 PM
I have new to this forum and this is my first post. I have an older springfield 1911 A1. Army Issue from wwII era. I have found that it is very tempermental with ammo type. I have found that jacketed round nose bullets work best for store bought. I have also found that wad cutters or hollow points OFTEN misfeed. I am not sure if you reload ammo or not, but I can get stubborn bullets to feed easier, the deeper I seat them in the casing. Also, magazine springs could have a lot to do with it. You may want to try a 10 rd magazine with 8 rounds and see how it works. Also, dont leave your magazines loaded for long periods of time. It has also been my experience that you get what you pay for on magazines. Go ahead and buy a top dollar one and see how it shoots. Let me know if this helps
10-25-2005, 07:01 PM
I got sick and tired of putting time, money and stress into a gun with a warranty. The gun is now on its way back to Springfield.
Ive tried several types of ammo, all were 230gr. FMJ. I bought Wilson and Chip McCormick mags, of both 8 and 10 rounds. Ive done everything but sacrifice a rabbit to Jupiter!
10-25-2005, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by gregarat
Ive done everything but sacrifice a rabbit to Jupiter!
There's your problem! Can't believe you didnt do that first thing. Please let us know what comes of this. I was all set to buy a Springfield. I have not heard of anyone who had troubles with them before this. My father bought a shorter barreled version of the GI model, and it was fine right out of the box. Fed perfect and shot great. The only thing I would do is change the trigger to one with a smooth surface.
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