View Full Version : dented cases

model 70
09-16-2005, 06:54 AM
back when i first bought my new .270 i recall the spent shells having a dent where the shoulder begins. anyone know what may have caused this?

Rocky Raab
09-16-2005, 07:18 AM
That happens after firing and not during resizing?

Some rifles ejecet the empty with enough force that the neck or shoulder area hits the receiver hard enough to dent it. If it's always in the same place and of the same depth, that's likely it.

Small dents won't hurt anything, although I'd expect you to see a crack there after several firings due to the flexing of the metal. If the shoulder is deeply dented, that case is toast.

09-16-2005, 01:30 PM
I have also seen this happen when fireing. In that case it is usually due to a small amount of grease left on the case. These will be more smooth and cemitrical than a deny cause by hitting something. I have also seen this when fire forming cases with to lite of a charge.

model 70
09-16-2005, 01:42 PM
i guess i led you astray when i posted this here. it was all factory ammo. rifle is a model 70 featherweight.

Rocky Raab
09-16-2005, 03:22 PM
M70, is that a controlled feed or a push feed with a plunger ejector?

A controlled feed will do that if you really work the bolt fast and hard.

A plunger ejector will do that if the plunger spring is extra strong

Remedies: work the bolt slower on the former type.

OR disassemble the ejector plunger and clip ONE turn off the spring. There's usually a tiny pin vertically through the bolt just behind the plunger. Carefully tap that out AND HAVE A TOWEL OVER THE BOLT, OR THE PLUNGER AND SPRING ARE GONE FOREVER---sprooiinnng! (do NOT ask how I know that - LOL!)

model 70
09-21-2005, 09:33 PM
thanks rocky and yes, it is a CRF model 70. i ain't too worried about denting cases. just curious if it's normal or not. thanks.

09-22-2005, 12:47 AM
when i was loading for the 270wsm, i ddint dang near every nickle case i touched. i figured it was just the cases. almost everyone would get alittle dimple in the body after resizeing. but they all shot fine and i never ran into problems.