Boyd Heaton
09-19-2005, 05:36 PM
The 2005 Mifflin County GHog shoot season ended last sat.Was a pretty good day.I picked up my Match gun friday night from having the barrel set back:confused: I got to fire 2 break in rounds before the match.:D And somehow pulled off a 127 score with 6x's and a 4 inch 500 yard group..My bullets were jamed in the lands about .110.Little hard to close the bolt:D.My daughter shot the same score as me but beat me on x count.She had a 99 out of 100 points going to 500 yards.And her spotter(me) blew it.Could'nt see because of mirage.She did however win JR shooter of the year in the Unlimited class.With a 6 match score agg of 133.5 out of 150.And a 500 yard group agg of 2.901 inch's.One mighty proud pop here