View Full Version : 19's info wanted

09-20-2005, 03:14 PM
I want to build a .19 but I don't know which one to choose...Badger, Calhoon or 223...

Which is the better cartridge for ease of reloading? Fireforming?

What effective--not maximum--ranges would I expect from each?

Is one rifle easier to convert then another into these calibers? Gunsmith costs and base rifle price?

I am leaning, sorta, kinda like to the Badger. Don't know why? Do you? Should I be?

Thanks in advance for any input in solving this stay awake at night ponderer!

09-21-2005, 07:49 PM
I was going through what your going through abt 4 years ago. I really like the looks of the .19-223 Calhoon, but the bullet supply for the .19 cals. is so limited I desided to build a .20 cal. rifle. I was trying to figure out what to go with when Ruger said they were bring out their .204. I figured the best thing I could do was wait for them to bring it out and try the round to see if I was goin to like that cal. befor I spent all the money building one. When I got my first T/C barrel I had to form my own brass because you couldn`t buy brass yet. Had problems with it and sent it back to T/C. They said it was out of spec and sent me a new barrel. I couldn`t get it to shoot eather so I traded it on a CZ 527, the best move I ever made. That pencil barrel gun shoot better than most of my heavy varmenters.
As for cost of building a good gun, abt. $280 for a barrel. If you gun smith has the reamer you wnat figure another $250 to have it chambered and put on your action. If you don`t have and action your looking at $350 up for anything decent. The more comman custom die can be had for $100 and up. Then you can spend from $100 up to the sky for the wood.
Right now if I could have only 1 varmint rifle it would be the CZ 527 in .204 Ruger, and right now I have a .17 AH, a .17 Rem. a .17-223, a .222, a .223, a.222 mag., a.22 PPC, a .22-250, a .25-221 and a .257 Ack. that are set up for varment hunting. You might have noticed that 5 out of that 10 of those round are wildcats, so I do like to play around with them. If I do build another wildcat in the near future it will probibly be a .20 cal. on the BR case with a fast twist for the 50 gn. Berger bullets. If you would be happy with a varmint rifle that shot point blank to abt. 290 yrds. I would recomand the .17 AH. Only 10.4 gns. of H-4227 and a 19 gn. Calhoon bullet. That little lazer has been my main carry gun for the last 4 years and I`ll still carry it part of the time, but the .204 is PB to alittle over 400, slightly more than the .22-250 or the .220 Swift.
Any way That`s my never to be humble oppenion.

06-12-2007, 01:37 AM

Not much problem with the 19 bullets anymore. Corbin has a machine to swage 20's down to 19 cal. The only problem they are not the coated bullets Calhoon sells.

I just bought a !9 Badger a few weeks ago. I am impressed. It's the CZ 527. I just love it.

I was so impressed I immediately put in for a 19 Calhoon Hornet barrel from Match Grade Machine for a Contender.

As soon as I'm up and about I'll be getting another barrell, 19-223 for a Savage Model 10. Then I'll have a switch barrel in 19 and 223AI.

I picked up my rifle from Calhoon in Havre. Nice folks. He has a web site, www.jamescalhoon.com. Jim uses a proprietary coating on his bullets applied by electrolysis. So far I have around 120 rounds through the Badger and the barrel still looks fresh. I could probably go 200 or more rounds before cleaning.

Jonsey had a thred earlier this evening that I wrote in. Check it out.

Best wishes, Bill

06-12-2007, 06:07 PM
I think you`ll love the .19 on the Hornet case. I have a .17 AH and shoot Calhoon`s 19 gn. bullet in it. I pushing it at 3,600 fps with 10.4 gn of H-4227. The .19 should do a hair better. Jim`s bullet leave the coating in the barrel, boy do you get a bunch of black patches when you clean it, but they do not seem to foul the barrel where it looses accuracy and I`m one who puts alot of rounds down a barrel between cleanings, and the barrel doesn`t look dirty. The CZ 527 action is a great action. I have one in .204 and love it.
If your going to swedge down .204 bullet and hunt coyote with the .19 I would not use Serria or Hornady. I have hit 4 coyote with the 32 gn. Serrias and got none. Called Serria and they siad they were for small varments, and Hornady is a bit tougher from what I`ve seen on groundhogs, but not much. I built a .22-6mm for coyotes and got my first one with it on Labor day. I hit him alittle far back, but with the 80 gn. Serria MK bullet he never moved from where he went down.
Keep us posted on the .19`s, I may still get one one of these days. From what I`ve seen from Jim`s bullets they seem to be alot heavier jacketed than most, or all of the other varment bullets and should be great on coyote.