View Full Version : Norcal:Emigrant/Yuba Gap

model 70
09-20-2005, 10:21 PM
anyone ever hunted out of there? on my way back from Reno tonight I swung off the freeway. not sure what's legal and what's not to hunt in there. thanks.

California Hunter
01-14-2006, 06:25 PM
I have never hunted there, but there are some great mule deer in the area; and it is full of black bear as well.

02-08-2006, 01:20 PM
Sorry for a delayed reply, M-70. In the Sierra Nevada country you have to be a map hunter. Go to the big BLM office in Sacramento and get the maps of the area that show the federal lands in one color and the private chunks in another.

Check with the offices of the National Forests. Most of the country is in the Tahoe National Forest. The Forest Service has maps. too.

Be aware that, in my experience, many National Forest and BLM field workers will just flat lie to hunters about the legal places to hunt. Due to the slob hunters, road hunters and such we aren't totally welcomed with open arms!

Be sure you check with FS and BLM management on closures to be sure they are real, or politely ask to see it in writing.

Lots of game in the I-80 corridor and lots of places legal to hunt but you have to research the locations.

GrayBear, aka 12 ga.