View Full Version : Best lever gun caliber

09-21-2005, 08:17 PM
Alright, let's hear your thoughts on lever guns. I sold my Marlin 336 in 30/30 and I miss her allot. I need another lever gun. Here is my problem; I like to shoot and ammo cost and recoil is a factor, (no I'm not a wimp, I just like to go to the range and don't need to develop a flinch.) I was lookin at a Winchester 94 with a dark stock I saw a Wally World and I'm diggin it, but...

I was in a tree stand last week huntin bear over a barrel. The week before a guy got a 420lb. bruin in the same stand. I don't think the 30/30 would've been enough gun if I got the same chance, but then again it's only thirty yards away.

I'm looking at the .32 special and 35 Remington, but ballistic coeff what ever is less than the 30/30. I never had a 45/70 or .444, but the ammo ($) is up there. Can the 30/30 do whatever the .32 special can? Anyone have experience with the .32 special?

09-21-2005, 09:07 PM
30-30 vs. 32 Sp, it's a horse apiece. They are so close ballistically that it's a dead heat. The 35 Rem is a very good cartridge. I shoot levers in 357 mag, 44 mag, 30-30, 356 Win. and 45-70 and have taken whitetails with all of them. For deer pick one that you feel comfortable with and use the proper ammo and practice with it. Shot placement is critical no matter what the caliber. Oh yes, I've owned 32s and 35s, should of kept them.

09-21-2005, 09:13 PM
A well place shot with the .30-30 will do what your talking abt. The .35 Rem. would do it better, but when you go back to deer, like you said, you`ll lose afew yards on deer. As Poppelcop said, Just pick one. One may hit alittle harder but the other may have 5 yrds. more point blank range. The game own`t be able to tell the difference.

09-21-2005, 09:48 PM
Check the Browning Lever Rifle. It is available in many calibers that a conventional lever action can't handle.

model 70
09-21-2005, 09:54 PM
not that i am an expert but the 30-30 will do in any black bear walking i'll bet. the trick is to pick your shots. with something like a beefy .444 you can probably take an angling shot if needed, smash through the should and pulverize the lungs. 30-30 will break bones too but loses steam. just put the bullet where you should(behind the shoulder or in to the head) and you'll have a dead bear.

09-21-2005, 09:58 PM
.32 Special and the .30-30 are two peas in a pod. Neither is going to outmuscle the other. The .35 does pack a little more punch than either of them though.

Don't worry about the .30-30 not getting the job done. In 1986 my Dad shot a 450lb black bear in Canada. He was 60yds away and the bullet hit a tree that was as big as your fist. Didn't just graze it, it hit the tree, then the bear. The bear didn't go 100yds.

I'll take any of the three for deer or black bear.

model 70
09-21-2005, 10:19 PM
i believe it. bullets are nothing more than high speed, well guided schrapnel(even more so after they start to mushroom) to put it very bluntly. this high speed metal tears through flesh. connect with your bear in a "soft spot" and the lead and copper will do the rest. as long as you tear up vital tissue you're good as gold.

M.T. Pockets
09-22-2005, 08:32 AM
Strictly personal choice on my part, I'd pick the .35 Remington.

Like denton mentions, Browning offer several offerings in their BLR that are not typically found in a lever action.

09-22-2005, 10:23 AM
If I were limiting myself to the 30-30 or the 35 Rem...the 35 Hands Down.. Just got more oommph in my opinion. BUT I wouldn't limit myself to those calibers. I have a Winchester 88 in 308 and a Savage 99 in 308. Easy to carry and easy to shoot. Little more recoil than a 30-30 but not that much. Better stock designs and easier scope mounting too:cool:

BTW I have a 35 Remington 141 pump and a Marlin 335 in 35 Rem.. Also got rid of all my 30-30's except the pre war 94 and a Rem 788 in 30-30(but they are collectibles) The 35 just does better

09-22-2005, 06:24 PM
Thanks guys, keep the feed back comin. I really liked the look of the Model 94 I saw, but I may go with the 336 again in 35 Rem, ( I can put a scope on the 336 easier.) Still, I gotta look them over. I would love a Model 94 with a peep sight and a High Viz front sight. Gotta wait and see, might still go with the 32 special. I have bolt gun in "06 if I need the big punch. I just really miss the lever.

rem 700
09-22-2005, 07:59 PM
I'd go with a 35 Remington for caliber; if you can afford it, a 348 Winchester would be way better. 32 and 30-30 are about the same, so get the 30-30 for cheaper shooting ammunition if you want to go with either of those two.

09-23-2005, 05:50 PM
Marlin 336Cs in 35 Rem

None hit have ever taken another step

09-24-2005, 04:33 PM
I would take the 30-30 over the .35 Remington. There is a larger selection of bullet weights, and its performance is just fine on deer and hogs.
If you are considering other calibers, I am very partial to the .44 Mag in a lever gun.

model 70
09-24-2005, 11:14 PM
how does the .44mag stack up to the 30-30 on game and in the field?

09-25-2005, 08:36 PM
Model 70, up to 100 yds. I've not noriced any difference. !00 yds. is my limit with a .44 mag. rifle and 150 yds. with the 30-30. Some may shoot them at longer ranges, but I'm not comfortable with my shooting ability and I'm talking standing whitetails only also.

09-26-2005, 01:42 PM
Count me in for the 45-70 but only
if you reload. It's a great gun to
carry if you are combo bear/deer
hunting. I used to carry it exclusively
in areas where I was likely to see
bear while deer hunting.

Factory 45-70 loads are way under
powered. Hand loads can be made
more powerful and very accurate.
Even near max loads I've never found
the recoil all that bad.

It's a classic.

09-29-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by HANDGUNNER
Alright, let's hear your thoughts on lever guns. I sold my Marlin 336 in 30/30 and I miss her allot. I need another lever gun. Here is my problem; I like to shoot and ammo cost and recoil is a factor, (no I'm not a wimp, I just like to go to the range and don't need to develop a flinch.) I was lookin at a Winchester 94 with a dark stock I saw a Wally World and I'm diggin it, but...

I was in a tree stand last week huntin bear over a barrel. The week before a guy got a 420lb. bruin in the same stand. I don't think the 30/30 would've been enough gun if I got the same chance, but then again it's only thirty yards away.

I'm looking at the .32 special and 35 Remington, but ballistic coeff what ever is less than the 30/30. I never had a 45/70 or .444, but the ammo ($) is up there. Can the 30/30 do whatever the .32 special can? Anyone have experience with the .32 special?

The best lever gun I ever saw is the browning BLR in either .243, 308, 7mm/08, or 358 win

10-02-2005, 09:41 PM
Model 70, I have to agree with popplecop. I have killed both hogs and deer with the .44 mag and the 30-30. If there is a difference, then I think the .44 Mag does a slightly better job on hogs, deeper penetration, and more 'knockdown' power. That might be due to the heavier 270 grain bullet I use in the .44 mag. On deer, I don't see much practical difference. I do not take shots much past 75 yards, due to the type of heavy cover I favor.
I find both rifle calibers to be equally accurate out to 100 yards. Much past that, the 30-30 seems to be more so.