View Full Version : Marlin 336SS or 1895GS?

09-22-2005, 12:00 PM
Hi there!
I'd like to go hunting for deer and elk (for sure) and if I get a chance moose or other big animals. However I'm trying to decide if a Marlin 30/30 or a 45/70?

Any suggestions?

I have used a 30/30 before (on deer only) but never the 45/70.

Which one will be the best bet?

09-23-2005, 11:27 AM
Welcome to Huntchat !
Well, let's see.... for deer, the 30-30's been doing fine for a long time. For elk and moose, it's on the light side.
The 45-70 will work fine on deer, although in the hotter loadings, it's more than you need. The 45-70 would be preferable for elk and moose.
I guess I'd say that if elk and moose are more than a distant dream, I'd get the 45-70.

09-23-2005, 05:47 PM
.35 Rem

I love mine....every deer its taken has dropped in its tracks. It would not be my first choice for elk (I use a 280 ABolt for that) but would certainly work under the right conditions.