View Full Version : How was your Fishing Season ?

09-23-2005, 10:44 PM
I have to say that this year has been one of the best years fishing I have ever had. I only fished Lake Logan, The Scioto River & The Hocking River in SE Ohio. I mainly fished for Big Catfish, But fished for a little of everything during some parts of the year. All Pulic areas & All Catch & Release.

This year I caught over 700lbs of Flathead Catfish & Channel Cats over 20+ lbs. I caught 120 Cats in the 10-20lb Range. All Catfish were caught on Live Bluegills, Chubs, Shad & Goldfish. All Bait was very big most of the time. I fished with Slip Bobber's on the Lake & off a Boat 90% of the time.

I have caught enough fish to Qualify for the Master Angler Pin. I also started having my own Tournaments. I have 20 Scheduled for next year already & I also formed a Non Profit Catfish Club for the Tri-County Area. I had 6 this year & I won 5 of them all together in differant tourneys & the Last one for the Cat Fisherman of the year. I won 4 Big Cat Pots as well, Prizes were Cash & Catfishing Poles. All added up I won over $700 in cash & Prize's this year off all the Tourneys that I fished.

We caught alot of Smallies in the River too, And Im awaiting to see how the Crappie & Saugeye bite is. The water is still at 81 degrees here & It has to get alot lower for the Saugeye to turn on here.

I came within 20lbs. of the State record Catfish with my 55lb Flathead Catfish, & It was the Biggest one to ever come from our lake.

I hope you all had as good as season as I have had. Im sorry for not being online alot. But ill be on here more & more.

Good Luck Fishing

09-23-2005, 10:53 PM
Mine was pretty good even though I didn't get out near as much as I wanted. I found a good hole at one of the lakes up in the mountains that I'm gonna hit next year and did quite a bit of fishing with my fly rod. All in all, for me, it's not about catching fish so I had a real good time when I was able to get out.