View Full Version : anyone out there owns a danwesson .357???

09-25-2005, 05:32 PM
I have an opportunity to pick one up pretty cheap. older model, 9 inch b. if I'm not mistaken. non adjustable sights.
is this considered a sturdy gun???
can it hold up to hot loads???
how accurate??
any input would be appreciated.
sory but this is all the info i have. not even shore on the model #

09-25-2005, 08:17 PM
I`ve never really carried for them, but that deosn`t mean their not a good gun, they just never did anything for me. I did have a good friend that had one and loved it. Alot of the shiloete shooters used to use them so they can`t be to bad. If it`s cheap you can`t go wrong on any gun. Heck I even bought a .40 S&W semi-auto the other day and I`ve never had any use for a center fire semi-auto handgun. I`ll give it to my daughter for a consield carry gun if she wants it and if not I`ll make acouple bucks on it.;)

09-26-2005, 11:37 AM
I dont have one, but one of the guys i work with does have one of the older dan wesson box sets.

very nice revolver, he doesnt shoot it much.

alot of the old shilotte shooters used them as mentioned previously, and I am not sure i am remembering this correctly or not, but i think there was some debate back them, as to whether the threading on the interchangable barrels was wearing out too fast, and problems with throat errosion.

if i am wrong somebody please speakup and correct me.

09-26-2005, 01:27 PM
my grandparents own one, so growing up this was one of the first guns i ever pointed at paper. i find it to be smooth and accurate and let me tell you the thing has seen plenty of rounds and still does what i want. i do believe it has adjustable sights though (the one they have)

09-26-2005, 02:49 PM

you won't be disappointed with your purchase. i've had one since the early 80's. don't know how many rounds have gone down range. it's almost as tight as the day i bought it.

i bought it with the intention of shooting pistol silhouette with it. the gun shot great but i sucked. i have 2, 4, and six inch barrels for mine.

as far as i know wesson only produces pistols with adjustable sights. also it shares a lot of similarities to the s&w 19. except for the cylinder lock up. the wesson is like a safe. very strong.

i really like mine and i'm sure you will enjoy yours also.

09-27-2005, 10:27 AM
I think I will get it. I own a ruger speed six and a black hawk.
both in .357
my intent was deer and paper. I was hoping that the Dan Wesson would be more accurate with that long nose(9 inch) then the black hawk.
it's under 2 bills so even if it's not a better shooter with hot loads I could still shoot bunnies and paper.
it's funny how we can justify buying more guns even if we don't need them.lol
thanks again for the input.