View Full Version : My first Bow Kill

09-29-2005, 12:22 AM
Three years ago I bought a pse Carrea 80lb.pull.I had the bow completely stripped and went crazy for every practical upgrade from carbon fiber arrows to the zebra string.Thus began my most frustrating year of hunting to date.Two missed elk(one was a pretty nice 250 class bull)Three mulies(one was the buck of a lifetime monster six by six 320lbs easy)Two mediocre antelope.Lets see wildlife 7 Mike ZIP.

So what happens today .All week I'm trying to get out and catch the last two days of early bow season.Got out to the owyhees mt range and scouted around a bit ,got disgusted with myself because i was up to high.(I was only a 6800 ft.magic # for mulies right?)Jumped in the rig to make camp time 6 pm.I'm on this 2 track beating the crap out of my wifes new truck ,thinking of the hell ill catch for all the scratches.Out pops this fat healty doe lopes up a hill sticks her head behind a bush.Mulies are crafty but none to smart.She was totaly broadside me at 35 yards.Guess she figured if she couldnt see me.....Long story short thru both shoulders DOUBLE LUNGED HER YEAH!Sixty yard later and fiiteen minutes of gutting im on my way home time 11:20 showered and cleaned up.Go Figure

09-29-2005, 05:44 AM
Well, now the big question is, are you hooked yet??? :D ;) Good luck battling yet another hunting addiction.


09-29-2005, 08:59 AM
Great story Mike. Bow hunting can be very frustrating, but also very rewarding. It also takes a ton of practice before hunting season to ensure that you can make the shot. If I missed the kind of bucks you were talking about, I would be sick for a while too.

I haven't bow hunted in a couple of years now, but I can tell you that the last time I did my heart was pounding. I had 10+ deer right under my stand. Haven't had my heart pound like that while hunting in a long time. I had to wait until they decided to clear out before I could raise my bow and get a shot off at the last one in the procession.

09-29-2005, 11:43 AM
Congrats Spammy, and now your addicted!:D
Get us some pictures.

09-30-2005, 11:16 AM
Thanks guys.To be fair those seven misses were my first season out.I went this time with a firm limit in my mind that 35yds was my max shot.The big mulie I missed ducked into a shallow drainage as he ran broadside to me at 15 yard.All I saw was this massive rack lumber by.Guess I could have shot him in the horns.:p What gets me hooked on bow hunting is the quality of animal you see.They havent been chased all over kingdom come by the huge flood of hunters that migrate into their territory every season.Sorry no pics,I was tempted to take some of the hide to show the way a broadhead looks from the backside, and the wound channel it must have created.

When I dropped the hammer on that mulie all I heard was THUNK!I thought stupidly that dear dont go thunk when u hit them.The arrow did bust thru one shoulder exited past the ribs and must have stuck into a tree up the hill.(plan on going back this weekend and find that arrow)Thus explaining the thunk LOL.

Well only one more week before I head to Ala.Going to join up with V.O.A.Im sure they can use a trained carpenter.You guys have a great bow season.


Hey did you hear Boise was picked by Forbes as the number One safest place to live on mainlands U.S.A.Honullu being #1 in country.Guess I'll being seeing some of you boys around town in the future:D .Take er safe
