09-29-2005, 12:22 AM
Three years ago I bought a pse Carrea 80lb.pull.I had the bow completely stripped and went crazy for every practical upgrade from carbon fiber arrows to the zebra string.Thus began my most frustrating year of hunting to date.Two missed elk(one was a pretty nice 250 class bull)Three mulies(one was the buck of a lifetime monster six by six 320lbs easy)Two mediocre antelope.Lets see wildlife 7 Mike ZIP.
So what happens today .All week I'm trying to get out and catch the last two days of early bow season.Got out to the owyhees mt range and scouted around a bit ,got disgusted with myself because i was up to high.(I was only a 6800 ft.magic # for mulies right?)Jumped in the rig to make camp time 6 pm.I'm on this 2 track beating the crap out of my wifes new truck ,thinking of the hell ill catch for all the scratches.Out pops this fat healty doe lopes up a hill sticks her head behind a bush.Mulies are crafty but none to smart.She was totaly broadside me at 35 yards.Guess she figured if she couldnt see me.....Long story short thru both shoulders DOUBLE LUNGED HER YEAH!Sixty yard later and fiiteen minutes of gutting im on my way home time 11:20 showered and cleaned up.Go Figure
So what happens today .All week I'm trying to get out and catch the last two days of early bow season.Got out to the owyhees mt range and scouted around a bit ,got disgusted with myself because i was up to high.(I was only a 6800 ft.magic # for mulies right?)Jumped in the rig to make camp time 6 pm.I'm on this 2 track beating the crap out of my wifes new truck ,thinking of the hell ill catch for all the scratches.Out pops this fat healty doe lopes up a hill sticks her head behind a bush.Mulies are crafty but none to smart.She was totaly broadside me at 35 yards.Guess she figured if she couldnt see me.....Long story short thru both shoulders DOUBLE LUNGED HER YEAH!Sixty yard later and fiiteen minutes of gutting im on my way home time 11:20 showered and cleaned up.Go Figure