View Full Version : What am I doing wrong????

09-29-2005, 10:09 PM
Im having some full length sizing problem with .243 Winchester cases. About half of the cases will not allow the bolt to close, I have used two different die sets, I lubricate with Imperial die wax. Anyone have any answers? I load for numerous other calibers and do not have trouble with any. I have even used two different rifles..Both Remington 700's. Both rifles cycle factory ammo fine.

Thanks for all input.

Rocky Raab
09-29-2005, 10:58 PM
Let's look at this from the most basic angle.

When something won't go into a hole, there's SOMETHING that's too big.

With a cartridge, it can be too long, too fat or have too much headspace (which is a variation of being too long).

Too long means the brass has stretched and is now too long to fit. Check the length of sized brass and trim it if necessary. You must size it first because sizing causes it to grow.

The other "too long" is headspace, and that is usually fixed by the sizer - assuming the die is set up properly. There are exceptions but, at least initially, make sure the shellholder makes firm contact with the die at the top of the stroke.

The "too fat" can happen if you are trying to crimp (or crimping unintentionally, too!). Most rifles do not need crimping, so make sure the crimp lip inside the seater die doesn't ever touch the brass. Run a sized but empty case into the seater (no bullet) and make sure the die doesn't touch it.

This isn't meant to talk down to you, Ken. Sometimes the only way I can figure out a problem is to go back to the very basics and walk myself through it. It works for me.

09-30-2005, 12:55 AM
rocky's got som egood info.

i had a crimp lip ( i guess thats what it is called) problem with some .300 savage rounds i did a few years ago.

it was just barely pushing down on bullet seating, and causing the shells to flex and bulge ever so slightly at the shoulder.

I took the dies apart, did a very through cleaning, put it back togeather and reset it and it worked ok then.

09-30-2005, 09:26 AM
Rocky's checklist of things to look for is excellent.
I see one more thing that is worth looking at. What are you using to lubricate the INSIDE of the case necks?
Surprisingly often, if you don't adequately lube the inside of the case necks, the expander ball will pull the case neck forward as the press ram is on the downstroke. And pull it forward just enough to cause trouble chambering the case.
Imperial Sizing Die wax is wonderful stuff, but you need something as lubricant inside the case neck, too. Imperial sells some powdered moly for that purpose.

09-30-2005, 01:15 PM
My first guess would be that your not sizeing the whole case. If you sizeing die is not screwed down enought you will leave a ring just above the case head. The rounds will go in very easily to this point and stop. That is the first thing I would check, then go to Rocky`s list if that don`t do it.

09-30-2005, 04:43 PM
The fact that some of them fit implies length issues. Check the overall length of the case to see if the ones that don't fit exceed the max length spec listed in most reloading manuals. You will need to trim them if that is the case.
If they are within max length specs, then the shoulder likely needs to to be set back by screwing your die down as indicated by others.
One other possibility is that you have the seating die screwed down too far ( it should be up off the shell holder about two turns) so that you are partially crimping the case mouths of some cases that are slightly longer while seating the bullet

Cal Sibley
10-02-2005, 05:47 AM
Are you sure your expander ball isn't pulling your necks out? That or not setting the die low enough to contacy your shell holder will often result in the neck not being bumped back making your case difficult to chamber. Just a siuggestion, Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal